Swapped! (Personality Switch AU)

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~A/N~ Hi! This is the personality swap AU, as you could see from the drawing I made above and the title. Let me just clear up a few things before we start! Since most of the drv3 cast hated Kokichi, and now Shuichi has his personality, this will be the other way around. So Kokichi would also be the ultimate detective and Shuichi as the ultimate supreme learder, so Kokichi would hang out with Kaito, Maki and Kaede while they hate hate Shuichi now. Okay, now that's cleared up, onto the story!


I was trapped in a small box-like area. I could nearly move as I pounded my fists onto the the cold metal walls of the box. I pounded my fist one more time, but I yeast of hitting the metal, I fell forwards into a bright light. I landed onto the floor of what looked like a classroom. I heard a small shriek from somebody near.

I looked up to see a girl with shoulder length blond hair and pale pink eyes. "Oh, are you alright?" She asked as she extended her hand to help me up. I took her hand as she helped me off the ground. "Y-yeah, thanks." I said. Where was I? Is this some kind of school? I continued to think these questions until the girl interrupted my thoughts.

"My name's Kaede Akamatsu, the ultimate pianist!" She said, putting her hand out to shake. "O-oh, I'm Kokichi Ouma, t-the ultimate detective." I said as I shook her hand. "Do you have any idea where we a-are?" I asked her. She shook her head and sighed. "I'm not sure, maybe we should look around." She said as she started to walk out of the door. 

I followed her out. We started talking about where we are and what what might happen, I heard chatter in a room close by. "Akamatsu-san, I think there's others here." I said as I walk towards where I heard the sound. I opened the door to another classroom to find two others in the room. There was what looked like a robot being chased by a tall bot with navy hair.

"Stop chasing me at once!" The robot shouted to the boy, climbing over tables and around chairs trying to escape the other. "Then stop running! I just wanna know if robots have d*cks!" The other said as he grew closer to the white haired robot. Kaede cleared her throat from behind me to get the others attentions.

The robot stoped and turned towards us and the the other tall one accidentally smacked into the wall from not being able to slow down in time. "Ow." Was all he said as he turned around and looked at us. "Hello! I am K1-B0, the ultimate robot! But please just call me Kiibo." The robot we now know as Kiibo said as he smiled.

"I'm Kaede Akamatsu, the ultimate pianist, and this is my friend Kokichi Ouma, ultimate detective. Nice to meet you both!" She smiled as she introduced for the both of us. "Is it my turn to introduce myself now? Good! I'm Shuichi Saihara, the ultimate supreme leader!" The navy haired boy said, not waiting for us to answer his question.

"Do you by any chance know where we are?" Kiibo said has he walked over with Shuichi. "N-no, but I did see a sign saying that a gym was nearby, maybe we could follow it and find out?" I said as I pulled my hat down a bit further. "Oooh! Great idea Ouma~chan! Let's gooo!" Shuichi said as he marched off into the hallway. I felt a blush grow on my face from the nickname.

We walked down the hallway towards a large door. Kaede, who was now at the front of the 4 of us, opened the doors into the gym. There were 12 others in the gym when we arrived. "Guys look! The rest have finally decided to show up!" A guy with a space printed jacket said, pointing to us. "Ugh, more degenerates! At least there's another girl here." A girl with long olive green hair huffed, sending glares our way.

I pulled my hat down even further from all of the attention. I felt someone snatch the hat off of me. I snapped my head up and looked towards Shuichi who was standing right in front of me with my hat. "P-please give me my hat back." I said as I tried jumping up to get it, since he had raised it too high for me to reach. "Not until you catch me~" he said as he started running off laughing.

I groaned as I ran after him. I was pretty fast for a person my height, so catching up to him wasn't that hard. Jumped onto Shuichi, knocking him over. "Okay, I've g-got you, now can I have my hat back?" I asked. "Ugh, fine!" He pouted in annoyance as he chucked my hat to me. I put my hat back on, relieved to have it back.

As I put the hat back on, a robotic monochrome bear popped up in front of us. "Hellooooo students! I'm Monokuma! Your new headmaster!" The bear cheered, waving his arms in the air. "If I may, could I know why we are here?" A girl asked, she looked a lot like some sort of maid. "Great question! You're in a killing game! The rules are simple, if you kill one of your classmates and get away with it, you get to leave! If you get caught, you die!" He said.

"A killing game?! As if we'd kill each other! Right guys?" Kaede yelled at the bear. Everyone was giving each other never out glances. "I don't know Kayayday! He looks like he might~" Shuichi said, pointing over at a tall man with a mask covering half his face.

**//Timeskip to just after Kaedeads execution because I have no soul//**

(Siri, play emo boy-)

I stared in shock and sadness at the giant piano that had just crushed my first friend in this entire game. She was gone. I hung (👀) my head in sadnes and started to sob, I can't stand this at all, but I guess nobody in this situation would be able to as well.

I felt somebody put a hand on my shoulder, I looked next to me to see Shuichi standing there with a saddened expression. I felt somebody else come up next to me, I looked to see Kaito there next to me on my other side. "Come on sidekick, it'll be alright." he said as we started making our way back to the elevator.

**//Ah yes, another time skip, I see.//**

I sat in my room, reading a mystery novel. It was one of the books from the detective Kirigiri series. I heard a knock on the door, a put the bookmark in my book and walked over to the door. I opened  the door the door to see Shuichi there. "Hi Ouma~chan! I was wondering if you wanted to hang out!" He said tilting his head with a big smile on his face.

"U-uh, sure!" I said as I stepped out of my room, closing the door behind me. "So do you have anything in mind that we could do?" I said, managing not to stutter. "Of course the ultimate supreme learder would have something in mind!" He said as he grabbed my hand and started running down the stairs and out of the dorms, pulling me along with him.

He ran into the library and over the a stack of books that was flat and stable enough to call a table. He pulled a stack of cards out of his pocket. "Do you know how to play poker?" He said and the pulled the cards out of the small box. "N-no sorry." I stuttered. "Oh well, I can teach you!" He said as he started shuffling the cards. At least I have other people that care about me, I think as long as I have him, I can make it and hopefully with Shuichi by my side.

~A/N~ That's the end of the chapter, sorry if there wasn't enough Saiouma in it. The next chapter will be the Nontoxic Pregame! Shuichi x Ingame! kokichi. Hopefully I can get that out by later today. Have a nice day/night and I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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