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Chase's POV

Although I took care of that toolhead I can't help but still feel enraged. Tyler calling my girl a bitch keeps replaying in my head, as if it were mocking me over and over, knowing that I caused all this.

Sike, this dude knew what he was doing. He saw my Sami vulnerable and tried taking advantage of the one weak state in our relationship. He deserved the crack I felt as my fist gave his nose a kissy-boo.

After dropping Sami off safely home I get straight to work planning our date. I want her to know, but really know, that I'm the only one for her. And what can I say, I'm a charming guy. This should be easy.

Since Ma's out of town this week I utilize the back deck to be our designated date spot. I decorate to the point in which it resembles that of a pinterest board- twinkle lights, candles light, and a matching picnic set my step sister got for Christmas.

I take a moment to admire my work. Sami is going to awe at the set up and I'm more than excited to watch her pretty face light up when she sees this.

I finish my date preparations by adding a few towels by the hot tub that lays a few feet from the edge of the deck. I even bought the girl a cute ass swimsuit from Pink that I know is going to compliment that ass perfectly.

It's finally 6:30, my cue to retrieve my girl. And apart of me just hopes she rolls those pretty eyes during her stay.

I spritz a dash of cologne, shimmy through it, and I'm out the door.

I hop into the Jeep, crack open a fresh Black Ice air freshener and hang it over the mirror. It's the little things that matter.

After hyping myself up with Young Thug in the few moments driving across town to Sami, I'm filled with confidence. Little does Sami know but that smile and those eyes melt me.

As soon as I pull into her driveway I look up to see her brown little eyes starring at me through her bedroom window. She ducks quickly and I pretend not to notice by hiding my chuckle. Soon enough Sami comes rushing out the house to my car with that smile plastered across her face. I must be lucky, my naughty girl is in a good mood today.

"Hey bighead, why you cheesin so hard" I say to her while I nudge at her shoulder as she's buckling into the passenger seat.

"Me bighead? Go ahead and check your mirrors and you'll be blinded by your shiny ass forehead" She retaliates. God, my hand is itching.

"Ayeee chill on roasting me alive, alright?"

"Whatever. Tell me what our date is!" She exclaims.

"Good girls say please" I tease. And it looks as if she couldn't help herself but roll those eyes straight to the back of her head. Called it.

She puckers her lower lip "please."

"Oh darling, I'll pretend I didn't see that" hinting to her eye roll, "our date is a surprise so you'll just have to wait and see"

She groans "I hate surprises"

"You better get used to them baby, that's all I am. A boatload of surprises" I like the mysterious vibe. I'm working towards it.

We drive until we reach back home, and I take her hand as we walk into the house. I lead her to the back entrance until I step around her and slide my hands over her eyes.

She starts to giggle as I guide her out through the back door and onto the deck. I release my hands and nervously watch her expression as she takes in the scenery.

"Oh..my.. fu..sheeeesh boy, you DO have it bad for me" She keeps looking around, again with an even cuter smile, and I can only assume it's because she's in awe.

"Well..?" I want to hear her say it.

"I love it" Ka-chow!

That's my cue, I reach for my girl, spin her around and dip her into my kiss. She's waits for me to release my tongue, and I can feel she wants more. If she wants a cliche, sure whatever, my baby will get her moments, as long as they're all because of me.

I release her back to standing and pull her right back into my chest, where she belongs. I let go to admire my baby. Looking deep into her brown eyes while I admire the way the blush on her cheeks glows I find myself falling deep, deeply-

"I'm glad you love it, because I love you." I blurt out.

I conceal my lips shut awaiting her reaction to my impulse statement.

The blush grows brighter on her cheek bones, and I can feel a good energy coming back my way.

"I love you, too Chase" She smiles, and I can't resist pulling this girl into my arms, giving that ass a squeeze. Gah damn.

I pull her up with her legs straddling me, and her tight arms wrapped around my neck. She fits so well, and her perfect butt sits just right in my palms, seriously, this ass never gets old.

I begin kissing slowly at her neck, brushing my lips against her jawline. She releases a huff of anticipation as she stretches her neck further, signaling me to give my girl a love bite. She just tastes so good, and so sweet. I continue kissing closer to her ear, and whisper

"I wanna fuck you so badly"

A/N: heyyyyoooo!! i finally graduated!! that means i hope to begin continuing and (aspiring) to finish this story!! this chapter got long quickly and i tbh did not enjoy writing from Chase's perspective... it's hard to think like a boy!! LOL love y'all always and i'll give you part 2 soon ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2021 ⏰

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