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I really don't know what to do at this point? Do I tell Chase? Fuck, why would I let myself get into this situation? I swear all I do is question myself.

I need to get myself out of here. 

"It was really great meeting with you, thanks for the heads up. I really appreciate it" I say sincerely to Julia

"Yeah, no prob. Hope you have a better insight now ha"

"I have so much homework, so I'm gonna dip, thanks again"

I need to get home asap, then Chase will never know. I rush outside and just try to get out of Julia's view so she at least thinks I left. 

I frantically call my mom, and basically 10 rings later, I'm sent to voicemail.

Fuck me. I don't have any friends who can drive that can come pick me up. I can't avoid Chase forever, considering another one of his rules is communication. If I don't text back soon I'll be in even more trouble.

And with that my phone buzzes once again

I know ur not sleeping. Communication is a rule remember? Do u want to break another one?

Fuck. I have to come clean. I'll just ask Chase to pick me up from studying, that's the truth, sorta.

Hey sorry I was studying, can u pick me up from Starbucks? my mom won't answer. 

Omw sweet thing

Aw. Every time Chase says something cute I can't help but smile to myself. Honestly, I don't know how I feel about him but I do know he's pretty hot. 

I decide to sit around the back where there are a few outside tables. I feel as if I'm going to get away with this, Julia already thinks I left and Chase will never know. 

After the next 10 minutes come by, Chase's Jeep pulls up right in front of the Starbucks. 

Shit, I just now realize that Julia is still sitting right in the same spot in front of the window. I'm praying she doesn't see me considering she thinks I left like 20 minutes ago.

I try and rush out to meet Chase before he gets out of his car, but as I'm fast walking over to his parking spot, he's already slamming the door to the outside his Jeep.

"Hey babes" He says as he gives me a small kiss on the cheek.

"Hi Chase, we should get going, I'm super tired" I say, trying to get this guy back into his car.

"You can wait 5 minutes babygirl, I'm gonna get a tea"

I'm kinda panicking internally at this point.

As we're about to approach the entrance, I see Julia's blonde hair headed our way. Well this is it, rest in peace to myself.

Chase immediately notices her and I hear him huff under his breath "the fuck?"

Julia gets through the doors before we do and now here we are, all three of us in an awkward circle. 

"Oh hey Chasey! How're you? Getting yourself an unsweetened tea?" She exclaims. I try my hardest not to glare at her for her use of that stupid fucking nickname. 

"Yup, clearly" He replies blandly, and I'm pretty grateful for it. 

Her smile doesn't break until she notices me, standing slightly behind Chase. 

She changes her facial expression to a smirk.

"Oh Sami, I thought you left like 30 minutes ago?"

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