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The rest of the school day I practically had Chase wrapped around my finger. I didn't realize how much power I held over him, all thanks to one little moan. I got to sit next to Chase during math- which was a first, and he treated me to Starbucks during lunch. The sweet side of Chase is everything I could ask for.

After the last bell I go and meet Chase waiting next to my locker. I greet him with a perky smile. He leans in and kisses my cheek before grabbing my hand and walking us to the parking lot.

"Hey Sami!" I hear a soft voice yelling behind me, I turn around to Maddy catching up to us.

"Maddy! I'm sorry I haven't been keeping in touch!" I say to her while embracing her in a hug. Damn, I didn't realize I practically dropped her once Chase and I's relationship started to get better. Now I feel kinda shitty.

"Girl don't even worry about it, I know you had a lot going on" She says to me with a wink as she nudges Chase's arm with hers. Chase laughs at her quirky gesture.

"What's new with you?" I ask, and I watch her face light up.

"Girlie, I got picked with Jayson! I'm a cuffed girl!!" She exclaims. She looks like she just got a puppy for Christmas. It's like she's been waiting her whole damn life for this.

"Uhh yay!" I reply, trying to be excited although she probably doesn't realize how much of a commitment it is, and more importantly, how bad the punishments are.

She playfully rolls her eyes at me, "I knew you'd react like that, anyways, text me! I miss you!" I nod and reassure her that I will.

Chase and I continue our walk to the car. We get in and buckle up, "You didn't seem very happy for Maddy back there"

"Ya, because she probably doesn't realize how trash the punishments are" I say

He laughs. "Yes she does Sami, everyone knows" Oh yeah. I forgot I'm the only one new to this crap.

"Anyway, do you want to come over and watch a movie? " I nod to him and we begin to head over to his house.

Once again his house is empty, shocker. We walk into the kitchen and Chase begins to scrummage the pantry for snacks. He pulls out a tray of Oreos "are these good with you?"

"Umm, no thank you. Gymnastics tryouts are next week.." I say shyly. I never told him that I too was an athlete.

His eyes grow wide, and a smile appears on his face.

"Wha-what? You're a gymnast?" He asks, shocked. "You know it!" I reply sarcastically.

"You never told me that!"

"You never asked" I say rolling my eyes. I receive a sharp smack to my ass.


"Don't roll your eyes at me, princess." Somehow that makes me want to roll my eyes a million more times.

"Yeah, yeah I'm a gymnast, been one for the past 7 years"

Chase continues asking me more and more about my past in gymnastics. He tells me about how Ridgeway has a really good team, which I was obviously already aware of. They say gymnastics is a rich kid's sport so it's not surprising that this school has a great team.

Finally Chase lets it go and we settle on some goldfish to snack on. We make our way to his room. When we walk in I begin to move onto the floor to kneel for the damn boy. Before I get all the way onto the ground Chase stops me.

"Oh Sami, you don't have to kneel anymore"

"Huh, what changed?" I ask confused, but almost amused.

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