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"You will be spanked"

My eyes immediately widen.

What the fuck. I think my heart stopped beating for a second. I might be being a little over dramatic but I don't know how else to react. Spanked? As in what? How? Why?!

I'll just refuse it. There is no way I'm letting this random ass guy spank me, no matter how popular he is.

I'm trying to fight the pros and cons in my head until Chase interrupts my thoughts.

"So are you going to be a good little girl Sami?" He says as he leans down to my face.

"Um.. Chase, what if I don't want to be.. you know.. uhh, spanked?" I try to choke out but in the nicest way possible.

He scoffs at my response, "You either reply to me with 'Yes Sir' or we're done here. Have fun being an outcast. I'd be such a shame to have such a pretty girl on the outside, no one will be able to even look at your cute face again."

He got me. I'm still only a freshman, I can't ruin 4 whole years of my life.. can I?

I sigh with my head down "Yes sir."

Chase moves to sit on the bed next to me as I remain kneeling as before.

"Good girl, now come here."

I get up and sit next to Chase on the bed. He pulls my legs over his lap as he kisses my cheek. I can feel my face heating up from just his small peck.

He starts stroking my legs. "Now you can ask questions if you please"

For the second time today my mind is trying to recollect it's thoughts.

"Why do you have to, I don't know.. spank me? I mean, isn't there other things we can work out maybe?"

"It's just how it works babe, all the doms punish their girls that way. And it's kinda fun.. ha, I mean for me, not so much for your ass"

Wow. I fight my eyes from rolling to the back of my fucking head. Thank you Chase, great answer.

I blankly stare at his face. I really don't understand how my first day of school turned into this mess. Obviously Chase is not the type to negotiate.

"Babes, I can tell you're kinda stressed out by it all. To be honest you kind of should be considering I'm not going to be going easy on you. Just because you're not used to this doesn't mean if you break the rules I'm not going to spank you. If you're worried about anything, just don't fuck up."

I deeply sigh and accept his answer.

"Love ya babes" he says as he kisses my check again.

I decide not to reply and just embrace his touch. Chase doesn't mention anything about me not giving a response and he lays down on the bed. Chase tries making small talk to get to know me a little better. He asks about why I go to Ridgeway now and I basically repeat the same answer my mom would give me. He laughs at my stories about how I would walk to school as a protest of riding the bus because of how much I hate it. And I make fun of him for being one of the basic rich kids. After a while of talking our conversation fades to silence and we both end up on our phones.

I decide to get up and start looking around at his basketball pictures.

My eyes shoot from picture frame to picture frame, this boy has countless pictures of him in games. As I'm still examining the photos, there's one that catches my eye. It's a picture of him and Julia in front of the Ferris wheel. I've totally seen this picture on her instagram a few months ago when I was stalking her.

"Umm..Chase, who's this?" I say pretending as if I have no idea of the history between the two.

"You know exactly who. Remember lying is against my rules Sami"

How does he know every fucking thing? I shudder thinking about getting a punishment from Chase.

"Okay sorry, I mean.. if you don't mind me asking, what happened between you two?"

He glares at my response and I know I'm in for it. "I do mind you asking, so don't ask me again." He snaps.

I frown at his reply. He's back to being a dick. It's like I'm only allowed to ask questions when he says it's okay. Whatever.

"Understood, Samantha?"

"Yup" I say back with a glare. I'm done backing down. He's not going to get a 'yes sir' from me unless HE earns it. This boy is not forcing me to act submissive. I've only been complying due to the sole fact that I don't want to upset the little bitch. I'm already over it. His controlling, short temper is getting to me. I'm mad he snapped at me, especially after he kissed me.

"Can you take me home? Please and thank you." I ask. I honestly don't care at this point if he'll get mad, I don't want to be around him anything longer.

Chase stands up and takes my hand without saying a word. We walk out to his Jeep and get in.

All this has me thinking, how did a pretty ass girl like Julia deal with this dickhead?

We drive in silence and I rest my head against the window with my eyes shut. As soon as the car stops I open my eyes and we're back in the student parking lot. He's so fucking annoying, I asked him to take me home and instead he takes us back to school, great.

I check the time and school is out in 7 minutes, so why are we even here?

"Chase, school's basically over? Why are we here? I asked you to drive me home."

"Yeah, and you chose to act bratty. You're lucky I didn't pull you over my knee. If you don't listen to me I don't listen to you. Enjoy the bus ride home."

Are you fucking kidding  me?


Hey everyone!! I'm sorry I haven't been updating!! I just got through my first college finals, so life's been busy. I promise I'll update more often! I'm reading your comments asking for updates, I appreciate them! Hoping to update again this week :)) ily

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