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I'm starting to regret texting Chase that message, but I'm trying to remind myself that if he's gonna threaten me with "we need to talk" then I'll fire back. 

I attempt to refocus my attention on the lecture, but my mind gazes in and out of what the teacher's saying. These stupid thoughts of Chase won't leave my mind.

Is he going to end whatever this is with me? No way, he cares.. I think? Whatever, it doesn't matter if he does, or does it?

Here I am once again contemplating life. Is this really how high school is? Is it normal to question every little thing? Or am I paranoid? Fuck, I need to get my mind out of this. 

There's only 10 minutes left of class. I check my phone and look at that, Chase left me on read. He got me. 

I refuse to double text so if he's planning on meeting me after this class that's on him. 

The bell rings and I make my way to my locker to put away this heavy ass bio book. Somehow I manage to avoid Chase and safely make it to English. 

Once I walk in I immediately catch Julia's glare. Oh shit, I forgot she was in this class. Considering Chase and I walked into school together I'm positive she knows who I am now. Since I don't even know what Chase and I really am right now I'm not gonna try anything with her. 

I ignore her glares and fall into my seat, avoiding eye contact throughout the lecture.

"Class, I need you to pair up with someone for our first class project." The teacher says.

Shit, I don't know anyone in this class. I start to look around for a partner until I see Julia approaching me. This is not happening right now. 

I begin to tense up, I mean, if this bitch is trying to throw hands I'll do it. Ok what am I thinking? I'm kinda a pussy. 

"Hey girl, it's Sami right?" She says with a...smile? Like an actual genuine smile? Alright I'm confused, wasn't she just glaring at me?

"Uhm, yeah hi." 

"Since you're new, want to partner up?"

Well it's not really like I can say no.

"Yeah, that'd be uhh great." I try to smile back. I hope it was convincing enough ha. 

"Great! Let's get started!"

We begin our work on the project, although I'm still not convinced she just wanted to work together, something is definitely up. 

The bell rings and we begin to pack up our things. 

"Let me get your number, we'll probs need to do some outside work on this." She says.

After we exchange numbers I purposely take my time packing up so she leaves the room before me. I literally could not read her at all. What is she trying to do? 

I'm the last to leave the room to head for lunch. 

I hope for Maddy to text me and ask to hang but she doesn't. I head straight for my locker and what do you know, there's my mans!!1! 

I want to roll my eyes, yell at him, and basically uppercut his jaw- but I've learned better. 

He greets me with the same thing he texted earlier

"We need to talk, Sami"

I'm shoving books into my locker as I reply "about what exactly?" 

I'm pretty good at playing this off, as if my stomach isn't turning itself over. 

"Lets go to my car."

I follow behind him to the parking lot. This time he doesn't reach for my hand or throw his arm over my shoulder. I hate to say it, but I wish he would. 

We get in the Jeep and sit in silence, both of our eyes looking straight ahead. Either I'm an idiot or he's done with me. 

Finally Chase takes a deep breath and turns his attention over to me. 

"Sami, I'm trying to teach you these things at your speed, but why do you think it's okay to storm out and avoid me? I know I forget sometimes that you're completely new to all this. Basically every girl from here already knows what's up, but I'm trying. You still need to be patient and do what I say."

I barely retain any information he just said, I can't take all this confusion anymore. "What are we Chase?" I basically blurt out. 

"We're together, I'm your Dom and you're my sub"

"Are we boyfriend/girlfriend? Is this a relationship? What is together!?" I can't hold in my frustration. I need to know what this is.

"Yes, fuck. We're in a relationship. Is that what you wanted to hear?" He says irritated. 

"Well, I'm getting a lot of mixed signals." I reply, also annoyed but also honestly. 

"Is this seriously all because I didn't let you sit next to me in class?" He waits for a response but I just nod back. 

"It's not a big deal. A lot of guys here don't sit with their sub in class. It depends on a lot of things like if you earned it from being good or if I'm just in a good mood. And it depends on how long you've been together. I wasn't lying when I told you I need to focus in class so I get the grades to play, and I know I wouldn't be paying attention if your cute ass is right next to me."

Ok, I can't help but smile from that. 

"You could've just told me that before." I respond

"You could've just asked instead of being bratty." 

"Ok yes, I'm sorry."

"Put your head down and tell me what you're sorry for."

God damn. I feel like no matter how much if this submissiveness I learn, it'll still feel degrading to do this, but I feel less of an urge to resist it, so I guess you can say I'm making progress. 

I put my head down and comply. 

"I'm sorry for being bratty and avoiding you." 

"Good girl" he replies and gives me a kiss on the check. "We'll talk about replying with 'K' later" He smirks. 

We end up leaving his car to head back to lunch. This time Chase grabs my hand and I feel content again. Or at least for now. 

I sit with Chase at the same table as all his guy friends and their subs. I never really noticed other subs until now, considering I guess only the popular kids do the whole dom/sub thing. 

I follow the lead of most of the other girls, sitting quietly with their heads resting of their doms. Occasionally I heard a few threats from the doms to their girlfriends, saying things like "you think that's acceptable?" or "I'll take you to the bathroom if you keep this up." It was so weird to hear from other people. Everyone else acted like it was completely normal, aside from the sub who would lower their head from embarrassment. I make note not to act up at school, so I don't endure any of those threats. 

The rest of the school day went fine. I was able to avoid any conflict with Chase, so for now everything is going well for us. 

Chase ended up driving me home instead of making me take the bus since "I've been a good girl" or some stupid shit like that.

I follow my afternoon routine of talking with my parents, eating a pack of gushers (childish I know) and then crawling into bed to watch youtube. 

My phone buzzes and its Julia, the fuck?

I quickly turn off my read receipts to open it. 

Hey girl, its Julia. I know ur with Chase now & I think u should know what it's like to be with him from someone with past experience

What the actual fuck?

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