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Chase takes a deep breath and suddenly I'm pushed up against one of the metal lockers with his hand around my throat.
The push didn't hurt, but the loud crashing sound scared me, causing me to flinch.

I'm horrified in the moment from just the intensity of it all. His grip isn't hard, as I can tell he's trying to be as gentle as he can while holding me firmly by the neck.

We make eye contact and I'm sure he can just see my face painted with fear. As he notices my distraught face, his stare softens.

I'm holding my breath as he lets go.

Chase grabs my wrists and leads us through the doors to the outside.

I want to ask him where we're going and what's going on but I know better than to anger him more. 

This situation is scaring me, but in a way I feel like I can trust him? No, Sami. What the hell are you thinking? I need to object to this! He just... pushed me? Well it was kind of gentle. Definitely dominating, Maddy was probably right, Chase has to be the strictest Dom there is. Am I cut out for this?

As he continues leading and I follow him close behind by my arm, I realize we're headed towards the student parking lot. The entire walk has been completely silent, with only the sound of our shoes crunching the leaves as we stomp over them.

There's only 12 minutes left of lunch, we don't have time to go anywhere.. so what's going on? My mind would stop filling itself with questions. I wish I could just ask him for answers.

I remain silent as we approach a big, shiny, dark grey Jeep Wrangler. Oh, of course he's one of these rich kids. I mentally roll my eyes at his beautiful car. Jeeps have always been my favorite car. Now I might have a soft spot for this kid.

He opens the passenger door and motions me to get in. I feel the urge to resist him, considering I barely know the guy, but my instincts tell me to get in if I want to live. I have to climb up in the Jeep since it's raised so high.

Chase slams my door closed and walks around to the drivers side and glides into the Jeep easily.

He swiftly shifts into drive and we pull out of the parking lot.

I'm starting to panic, considering it's still the first day and I'm for sure going to be missing my next classes. I just can't get the nerve to break the silence.

After driving for about 5 minutes, I decide to try and break the awkwardness. I reach for the radio and instantly he slaps my hand, hard.

"Ow! I was just trying to turn on some music." What's his problem?

"I didn't offer you the aux, maybe if you learn to ask it wouldn't be an issue." He says in a sharp tone.

I mentally roll my eyes this time, knowing if I actually did he might get physical again.

"Ok, so can I have the aux cord?" I ask sheepishly.


Are you kidding me? I don't even know what to this about this boy anymore.

I decide to stare at my phone for the rest of the ride to avoid confrontation, I mean, in case he ever wants to say anything.

I look up from Instagram and we're pulled into a Starbucks drive-thru.

He orders himself an unsweetened black iced tea. Gross.

"What do you want babe?" He says casually. I shudder at his use of "babe."

"Uhh no I'm good, thanks." I don't want him buying me shit. He might think I'll owe him something for it and that is not happening.

"Tell me what you want, seriously get anything. I'm not going to ask you again."

I better order something so he doesn't get mad.

"Ok, a tall Iced Vanilla Latte please."

He gives me a small smile and instead he orders it as a Venti. Ok, I'll admit that was smooth.

As we're sipping on our drinks we now pull into a park not too far from the Starbucks.

I've never been to this park before, well considering it's on the other side of town. It's really pretty here, and has a view of the lake. He parks right in front of the view.

He turns to look at me. Here it comes.

"Okay, you can ask me now." Is all he says. Um what?

"Ask what?" I reply

"All the questions I know you have in that pretty little head of yours." He smirks

How does he know everything? I guess this is my chance. I take a deep breath and try and recollect all the thoughts that have been building up for the past 15 minutes.

"Um.. well first of all, this is making me miss my classes. Are we going to go back anytime soon?"

He laughs a little at my first question.

"That's really your first question about all this? Wow you're cute. Don't worry, I have connections with the attendance office, your absences will be excused. Now ask the real questions."

Wow, no wonder he's cocky. He has all his shit set up for him.

I guess I'll continue but I don't really know where to start.

"Ok. Thanks. Can you just explain all this? I really don't understand what's going on.." I say, honestly.

"You should be taking notes. This might be a lot for you." He smirks as I cringe at his words.

He continues: "So Sami, I understand your new but I bet Maddy has already given you a little run down on things work around here. I'm your top now, because I simply choose to be. You're mine now. Got it?"

I nod my head with wide eyes.

"And what does it mean to be..uhh.. yours?" Is I can really manage to say.

He smiles at me as he responds. "I'm glad you ask, because there's a lot. It's kinda like a normal relationship. Boyfriend/girlfriend shit you know? I'll take care of you, but you better respect me if you know what's good for you. There's going to be rules and punishments when you break them. You're going to be a good little girl by the time June comes around. Got it?"

I don't know how to comprehend all this. Rules? Punishments? And once again his condensing words of 'little girl.' I have a feeling I better get used to it.

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