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I feel as if I've looked everywhere for the bathroom, but then again I also feel really lost. Shit, where am I again?

Suddenly I'm feeling really bad. Like stressed and worried and scared all at the same time. Holy shit what is going on?

Where's Chase??

I start frantically searching for my boo thing. Ha- yes my boo! God damn I really am drunk. And high, I think?

I'm desperately looking for Chase as much as I really can. I'm beginning to stumble and my vision is seriously blurry. I'm starting to feel really shitty.
I can't find my real thoughts and I'm getting scared. I'm not used to this feeling, so I start to cry. I'm lost in a stupid house party and can't find my boyfriend.

I fall to the floor of this hallway and shove my face into my hands panicking. This is the first time i've felt real paranoia.

I see a pair of shoes standing before me, whoever it is squats down to my level on the floor. It's CHASE!

"Sami! Fuck, where have you been? I've been looking everywhere for you!" Chase says to me.

"Yes CHASE BABY! I found youuu!!" I feel better already just knowing he's here with me.

"Are you drunk? You're drunk!" He yells.

"And high" I laugh, fighting through my tears.

"Are you fucking with me, tell me you're fucking with me!" He yells, more intensely than before.

I jump a little from his words. The stress-worried-scared feeling is back. And I'm still really fucking dizzy. 

"No sir, I am not fucking with you" I slur.

"Samantha let's go!" He grabs my arm harshly as he attempts to lift me from the ground. I start to cry again.

He clearly notices my tears and now he's...empathetic?

"Sami baby, you're ok. Did I scare you?" He asks, somehow immediately changing his mood from anger to softness.

I just nod back and wipe my tears.

He pulls me into a hug and whispers in my ear. "Baby baby I'm sorry I yelled, I shouldn't have. You're ok, I'm here"

"I-I couldn't find you" I manage to say.

"Let's get you to the car babes" Chase lifts me from the floor to a standing position and I really can't feel my legs. I don't know how I got so drunk and high so fast.

I try to take a step but almost fall before Chase catches me. "Dammit Sami" he laughs, and then swiftly picks me up bridal style.

Now that I'm in his arms I feel safe again, so I attempt to enjoy the last few moments of the party as he's carrying me through the house.

I'm drunk talking to Chase just because I know I can get away with it- or because I'm really confident right now.
"Chase baby, you're kinda my boyfriend right?"

He laughs again, "Kinda? I was hoping we were more than kinda" he smiles.

My heart. "ALEXA, PLAY BOO'd UP" I scream.

"Ok, ya we need to get you to the car asap."

We finally get to the car and Chase slides me into the passenger seat and buckles my seat belt. I feel my phone vibrate in my back pocket and somehow manage to get it out of there to see who's calling.

"SHIT, it's my mom!!" I cry out, there's no way I can answer her right now. I mean, she knows I went to a party, but she can't know I got drunk and high.

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