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Sitting through the rest of math was rough. That knot in my stomach never left. I couldn't focus on anything after that 'incident' or whatever you like to call it.
Watching the clock the entire period the bell rings finally rings and I rush to the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror with tears brimming my eyes. This is all too much.

I decide to text Maddy and ask her to meet me. Thankfully she replies instantly and reassured me she'll be right there.

I sigh and try to fix myself up again, for the second time today. I wipe away my (almost) tears and fix my long dark brown straight hair. Looking in the mirror I try to remind myself I'm a bad bitch, and soon enough Maddy interrupts my thoughts as she barges in the door.

"Hey girl, what's up?" She says enthusiastically with a smile on her face.

"Not much" is all I can say with the knot still screaming to me from my stomach.

She instantly notices my faint expression.

"Oh Sami, are you doing ok? Are people giving you trouble?"

"A little yeah, I just had the worst encounter with some guy and yeah, you could say it was trouble"

"What happened? Were you respectful like I told you? Tell me everything"

I begin to explain from the beginning, with the no seating chart, to the front of the room, and then to that one guy, and how he said he was going to 'train' me.

"Oh god, I'm sorry girl, it's hard I know. Do you remember what he looked like? I might know him, or at least his name"

"Uhh he was tall, like 6'3 at least, light brown hair, muscular, has 3 other guys with him that were mostly blonde, oh and he said he was an athlete"

She instantly starting searching her Instagram to find this boy. Didn't take longer than 20 seconds for her to pull up a profile.

She tilts her phone screen to me with @ChaseChristian as the username. Damn 1,643 followers? Ok then. I begin stalking through his pics and sure enough, that's him.

"He's the one" I say sheepishly, knowing his Instagram count and his noticeably Varsity basketball pictures have me insanely intimidated.

"Fuck dude, you're talking about CHASE?" She says.

No no no this is not sounding hopeful. She starts to continue.

"I don't know how to say this without worrying you, but Chase is known as one of the strictest doms in school. But I mean, he's insanely hot.. ha."

"Ok Maddy whatever you say" I roll my eyes to her. I guess he is kinda cute. Wait, no that doesn't matter, he was a misogynist dick.

"No seriously though Sami, he's insanely popular, I mean look at his Instagram count. He has a name at this school. He's a senior now so he kinda rules the place, well I've heard he always kind of has considering he was starting Varsity his freshman year. I mean who does that!" She exclaims, in an excited tone.
I'm mentally rolling my eyes at her again. Why is she hyping this guy up so much? He's just a jerk.

"Maddy focus, I need more VALUABLE information here on the guy" I make sure to annunciate valuable.

"Right right, ok so what I know is he was the dom to Julia Reynolds, I'm not sure if you know her or"
I immediately cut her off as my eyes widen. THE Julia? The one who's practically so Instagram famous in this town that even every guy back at my old school would drool over her.

"Julia??? Reynolds?? Oh no no, if this guy had a thing with her I am NOT speaking to him at lunch. No fucking way."

"Sami look, I know it's a lot but you really have to. I'm sorry to tell you but if you don't follow his instructions you'll be outcasted by tomorrow. I'd go if I were you. It might even be a good thing.. I mean you don't know what his intentions are yet. He might just wanna help?"

I know for a fact that 'Mr. Starting Varsity Freshman Year' is NOT going to want to help guide me.

Sure enough the bell rings and I'm back in class. Maybe I can Uber home during lunch?

The knot in my stomach is still very much alive.

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