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*a lil smut hehehe

After Chase dropped me off I started my long list of chores; consisting of eating snacks, taking a quick shower, then of course my afternoon nap. Feels good to be productive.

Sike, I know I'm a lazy ass. But hey, I deserve this for making my gymnastics dream come true. I earned this.

I doze off into dreamland and catch up on some Z's. Eventually I am rudely interrupted by my mother barging into my safe haven.

"Saaaamantha!" She sings, "Chase is downstairs to pick you up for the big game!"

"Oh shi-" My mom shoots me a glare "Shoot" I clarify. "Tell him it'll be 5 minutes."

She nods then leaves me to begin reapplying my makeup as quickly as I can.

I can hear someone walking up the stairs and it doesn't sound like either parents steps, so putting two and two together, Chase is coming! He can't see me like this! I have on my neon pink sweats and my dad's Old Navy sweater that's probably 5 sizes too big.

I rip both items off my body and rush to my dresser.

"Holy shit it's hot in here." Chase says as he pushes through my slightly cracked door, walking in on me. I gasp, standing frozen in just my bra and panties, looking like a deer in headlights.

I begin to quickly shuffle through my drawers for a T-shirt to throw on. "Oh god, turn around!" I grab a shirt and as I begin to unfold it, Chase reaches out, takes it, and tosses it away.

"Pretty sure I'm the one who tells you what to do around here, who said you needed to change?" He reaches at my body, sliding his arm around my lower back and pulls me into him.

He slides his hands down to my ass and begins to rub in circular motions. He leans down to my face with his lipped puckered, ready to meet mine. Immediately, my body engages with his. As our tongues have a wrestling match, Chase continues to grab my ass in one hand, while the other is brushing through my hair.

Soon enough Chase pulls away, leaving me wanting more.

"You are so fucking hot"

"I know" I give him a smirk.

SLAP! He swiftly smacks my right cheek. "And bratty" He says giving me a wink.

Chase patiently waits for me to finish getting ready and soon enough we're in the car headed to his game.

We enter the gym and I quickly spot out Olivia sitting with the girls from the team. I wish good luck to Mr. Starting Varsity as he leaves to join the team in the locker room.

"Sami!! You made it!" Olivia greets me with a hug.

"Magically" I respond rolling my eyes. We begin to chat along about this upcoming season with the girls.

Soon enough the pep band starts playing and the cheerleaders flood the court to hype up the crowd. As they reach closer to the student section I notice Maddy wearing the uniform. What the heck! I had no idea she was a cheerleader. Now that I'm thinking about it, I feel kinda bad. I've really been ghosting her ass. I wave to her and she returns me a big smile. I make note to talk to her after the game.

Following the cheer girls come the 4 boys on the team, and I somehow recognize one. Oh yes, Tyler! He was that cuteee boy who helped me when I twisted my ankle during tryouts. We make eye contact, and he gives me smile, followed by a wink. My heart flutters.

Finally the boys enter to the court. The announcer begins to introduce the starting line up and they begin to make their entrances.

"Ahhh! There's Aiden!" Olivia squeals excitedly.

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