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Once I got off I saw the two most popular girls in school. I only recognized them because they're basically instagram famous. Taylor and Julia are really eyeing me down and whispering to each other right now. They were immediately greeted by some of the most beautiful boys I've ever seen. Well, in real life of course. No one could beat Harry Styles. 

My thoughts are immediately interrupted as I now see that their entire group is starring and now laughing. Fuck I need to get out of here.

I hurried into the school, fighting through the clusters of kids in the hallway, the groups were definitely already together. I had no where to go. 

I start people watching to see where I could fit in. 

"Can you maybe, oh I don't know, move?" I hear a deep voice behind me. 

I turn around and immediately look up to a tall boy, probably 6'4 or something staring down at me with an annoyed glare across his face. 

"You could literally just say excuse me dude" I roll my eyes back to him

His glare intensifies. Suddenly I'm kind of scared. 

"EXCUSE ME?" He shoots back to me, in one of the most intimidating voices I've ever heard. It was worse than when I try talking to mom when she's on the phone.

Suddenly a gentle arm pulls me away. I turn to see who this was and if I needed to punch them right then and there. But it was a short, cute girl. 

"I'm so sorry for her sir, she's new. It won't happen again." She says softly to him with her head down. 

This is so weird, did she just call him sir? What is going on?

He nods at her in a dismissive way as she's pulling me away from the crowded area of the hallway. 

As she's leading me somewhere, which I eventually realize is the bathroom, I'm trying to ask her what the fuck is happening. 

"Shhh wait a sec" is all she's saying to me until we get inside the bathroom and the shuts the door behind her. 

"Ok look I don't know what the hell is happening but it's okay, I don't need someone fighting my battles, he was just a dick. But thank you." I say to her.

"You're Samantha right? The new girl?"

This is weird, why does she know who I am?

"Um yeah, I actually go by Sami, with an I at the end, but yeah, hi?" I respond back.

"Ok cool, look Sami, I'm Madison, I'm apart of the ASB program here so I was partnered with the new students to help them get around on the first day. I got paired with you, so let me help explain to you what just happened, I know it seems like a lot on the first day."

She seemed like she genuinely wanted to help so I guess it wouldn't hurt to have her. But I still was confused by that previous encounter. 

"Okay thanks" I reply "Is there something weird going on here?" 

She chuckles at me then starts to explain. 

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