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This is too overwhelming. What does Chase mean by rules and punishments? He thinks he's going to control me! Sike.

"Rules? That I have to follow?" I say in an annoyed tone.

"See, right there. I've talked to you, what, 3 times today? And each time I've repetitively told you NO more of your bratty, sarcastic tones."

I mentally slap myself, he's right. He's told me already multiple times, he needs to lay off though. I'm new to whatever this is.

I bow my head and murmur back. "Yes, you're right. Sorry."

I look up to him softly smiling down at me.

"It's yes, SIR, by the way."

"Yes sir."

"Good girl. Now let's get out of here. There's more to learn."

I shudder from his words.

Chase starts up the Jeep and we pull out of the park. After about 2 minutes I realize we aren't headed back to school. Ugh, what is up with this boy? Why doesn't he tell me anything?

"Um..Chase, where are we going?" I say with my head down.

"Aw look at you, finally starting to speak up and use your words."

"Yes sir." I say through gritted teeth.

"We're going to my place. Parents aren't home, and you have a lot to learn. Do you want to play music?"

I smile at his words, well only to the music part. Maybe he's starting to come around and be nicer.

I reach for the aux and put on my current favorite song, '8teen' by Khalid.

I start lip syncing quietly to myself until Chase notices and turns up the music and starts singing at the top of his lungs. I start laughing, hard, because he has to be the shittest singer I've ever heard.

I'm still laughing at his failed American Idol attempt until he lowers the volume and turns to me.

"What, you didn't like it?"

I'm still fighting through my laughing fit as I manage to choke out "No, no, you were AMAZING."

"That's what I thought." He smirks.


We small talk for little until we pull into a nice neighborhood. These houses were definitely nicer than the average cookie-cutter homes like mine. I roll my eyes out the window, because I realize once again I'm stuck at a school with all these privileged ass kids.

Continuing down the road the houses get further apart and nicer. I've always appreciated nice houses, ones with grand entrances and pretty stone work on the outside. I watch a lot of HGTV ok?

Finally he stops in front of a large, grey home, which I'm assuming is his.

I wait for Chase to make the first move.

"Well, get out, we're here."

Ugh of course.

I undo my seatbelt and slide out of the Jeep. He comes around the car and grabs me around the waist with one arm. To be honest it feels pretty comforting.

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