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**There's a lil smut towards the end of the chapter hehe

I wake up the next morning fully energized! It's shocking, considering I went to bed around 1, so I'm mostly running on adrenaline. But it's day one of gymnastics tryouts!

I'm a strong believer of the whole 'look your best, feel your best' and it's a big day so I spend a little more time on my makeup this morning. I finish my look with a mini skirt and crop top. A little scandy.. but that's how I like it. Go off sis!

Since it's tryouts week I don't have to attend Chase's 6AM snoozefest. He says I need to get as much rest as possible, which I obviously agree with.

I catch the bus to school and make my way into math. Practice must be running late because Chase and his friends don't enter the classroom until the final bell rings. I try to flash him a smile but he doesn't make eye contact as he just makes his way to the front.

As the bell rings I make my way over to greet Chase. He turns to me and grabs each side of my arms in a playful way.

"Are you ready to kick ass at tryouts today!?" He encourages.

I shrug him off, "Something like that." I don't want to hype myself too much.

"Cmon, you got this! You know you got this" He says as he brings my hand to his lips and kisses it. Aw, cute. I smile.

As he drops my hands I watch Chase's expression drop while his eyes look me up and down. What?

"Sami what the hell are you wearing?"

"What the hell do you mean?" I sass back. Hey, if he can curse I can too!

"I mean, what the hell is this skirt?" He points, clearly emphasizing the short length.

"And what about it Chase?" You think I'm taking this shit? Hell no.

"You're coming with me" He says as he grabs my arm and he begins pulling me through the hall. His grip is so deadly, and I so badly want to rip away but I know I wouldn't budge him, so I comply.

"Are you gonna spank me?" I ask worriedly as I see we are headed towards the locker room.

He shakes his head, "God, no. But you're getting out of that piece of cloth you call a skirt." He responds and I shut my mouth.

We enter the locker room and I watch as Chase opens the red metal locker door. He reaches in his gym bag and pulls out a pair of baggy basketball shorts and tosses it to me.

"Change, now" He demands.

"No WAY am I wearing this"

Chase steps forward towards me. "You either put them on now, or you'll have a red ass during your practice today. Make your decision now."

I bite my tongue as I remove my skirt and put on the shorts. Chase reaches his hand out for my skirt to which I hand it over. He stuffs it into his locker. I huff. Looks like I'm never getting it back.

I glance at a mirror nearby and see my disturbing resemblance, these shorts are not meant for this crop top.

"Are you serious Chase, I'm wearing a crop top. This is so stupid" I say as I roll my eyes, oops.

"And for that you get to wear the matching top" He says while tossing me his oversized gray t-shirt.

Great. I throw it on and, ta-da! I'm pretty sure you could mistake me for a man at this point. I take another look in the mirror.

"For God's sake, the shirt goes below my knees!" I complain. Chase grabs my chin to look him in the eyes.

"That's how long your skirt should've been, babygirl. Dressing respectfully is a rule. But even in my shorts you still look fucking hot though." He says as he brings my lips to meet his. He gives me a quick, passionate kiss.

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