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The next morning I wake up to my alarm at 6 AM sharp. I am extremely fucking exhausted and already want the day to be over. I'm so thankful it's finally Friday so I'll get a break from having to be on my best behavior 24/7.

Chase is starting to pick me up every day at 7 am, so my new routine to getting up 15 minutes earlier than usual so I can avoid getting into any trouble. 

I force my limp body out of bed and drag myself to the bathroom to start my morning routine. Teeth are brushed, hair is did, and now all that's left is makeup. Since I have more time to get ready today I decide to go a little extra, and practically beat my face. Thankfully I've watched enough James Charles to sorta know what I'm doing. Thirty minutes later, my face is contoured and my cheeks are beaming with highlight. I add winged eyeliner for a finishing touch and- fuck I look like a baddie. 

I throw together a better outfit than normal and admire my new look in the mirror. I guess they were right when they say when you look your best you feel your best. 

I run downstairs to make myself chocolate chip Eggo's for breakfast. I was practically dreaming about them in my sleep. I dig through the freezer to find my last box missing. The fuck? I check the recycle bin and see the evidence of my eaten Eggos. My mood is ruined by whoever ate the food I've been thinking about all morning. 

I decide not to eat because now I'm in an even worse mood than before. Tired and hungry don't mix. 

At 7 am I walk outside to meet Mr. Starting Varsity pulled into my driveway. I climb into his Jeep without a word.

"Good Morning angel face." He smiles.

"Hi Chase" I reply blandly. I'm really not in the mood for this or his stupid nicknames. 

"What's up with you this morning, wrong side of the bed again?" He laughs

"I'm seriously not in the mood"

"I'm hurt" He laughs again, seriously pissing me off. 

"Chase can you please shut the fuck up? I'm tired as shit and I'm already having a bad morning." I snapped. And I know I'm going to regret it but my frustration is taking over my body. 

"I guess this is really how you want to start this morning off? Or are you just begging for a trip over my knee?"

My jaw clenches. "No Chase, I'm sorry." I bowed my head not wanting to escalate the situation. 

"Then tell me what's the matter with you" He demands. 

"I couldn't sleep very well last night considering my ass is still sore. And all I wanted this morning was my damn Eggos and someone ate them so no breakfast for me!" Ok, saying this out loud really makes me seem like a brat. I'm cringing at myself. 

Chase grabs my chin and looks me straight in the eyes. "Stop this swearing. If I hear another curse word come out of this pretty little mouth, your ass is mine. Do you understand me?"

"Yes sir"

"We have some time before first period, do you want to get McDonalds for breakfast instead?"

I smile at his words. He must be in a really good mood today, it makes me wish I was too so I could really appreciate it. 

"Yes please!" I exclaim. 

We get through the drive thru and I'm already in a much better mood now that I'm sipping this orange juice. 

We pull into the student lot and I reach for the door to exit his Jeep before he reaches for my arm and jerks me back to him. 

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