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Once again, my obnoxious alarms violently disrupts my peaceful sleep, but this time it's at fucking 5AM!

My eyes fight to stay awake as I attempt to crawl out of my comfortable...cozy...warm...soft...bed, and with those thoughts my body forbids me to exit my slumber. I let myself fall asleep again for 5 more minutes, and then another 5, and then.... SHIT! It's already 5:30 and I now have only 15 minutes to get ready before my fucking 'master' comes to get me.

I rush, so I throw on some black leggings and a cropped hoodie. Good enough. I finish my morning routine with a few coats of mascara and rush down stairs to find some breakfast.

This weekend has gone by way too fast, although a lot has happened. I spent my entire Sunday in bed watching Youtube which didn't allow me to finish the homework that I should've.

I get Chase's "I'm here" text so I grab an apple on my way out the door.

"Good morning Sami" He says cheerfully. Gross, it's 5:45AM, there's no reason for anyone to be that cheerful at this hour.

"Good morning Chase" I groan back while resting my head against the window.

We ride to school with very minor small talk, considering I'm still drifting in and out of consciousness on the way there.

We arrive and Chase takes my hand as we walk into the schools and into the practice gym.

I expect to be the only girl here, but to my surprise there's multiple girls sitting in the bleachers. Some are sitting in groups of 3, while other girls sit alone. Chase turns to me and points at a blonde girl sitting alone towards the middle of the stands "go sit with Olivia, she's Aiden's girl" I shake my head to him.

"No I want to sit alone" I reply

"Sami, just do it. She's really nice." He says back to me.

"Whatever you say, coach!" I reply sarcastically and make my way over to the girl. Chase shakes his head at me as he leaves to enter the locker room.

"Hey girl! I'm Olivia. You're Sami right?" The blonde says to me with a smile. Why is it that everyone automatically knows my name now? I don't mind but it's kinda weird. Guess I'm just not used to it.

"Ha-yes, how'd you know?"

"Aiden's my dom, he's practically best friends with Chase. They've been friends since like the 4th grade" She laughs.

She seems nice so I take a seat and start observing the girls sitting around us. A few rows away I notice a brown hair girl, with a little pink blob on her nose. What the heck?

I turn and whisper to Olivia "You see that girl over there, what's on her nose?"

She laughs quietly "It's gum. This gym is like, brrraand new and has a strict no eating/chewing gum policy that the boys are really trying to enforce. She was chewing gum so Brandon, her dom made a big scene and made her put it on her nose for the rest of practice."

Holy shit, if Chase were to do that to me I'd beat his ass. I feel sorry for her, that's so embarrassing and I'm sure totally uncomfortable.

I'm grateful Olivia filled me in, so now I know not to eat my apple in here.

I watch Chase run drills and shoot his 3-pointers. His brown hair softly bounces around as he runs from one side of the court to the other. I admire his athletic build, I mean, look at those muscular arms, no wonder he can hit so hard.

We sit through practice small talking and watching the boys while finishing up my math assignments. Chase is actually pretty good, no wonder he carries the title of Mr. Starting Varsity, even though I made it up.

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