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The next morning I wake up and BANG! To my utter surprise, my ass is still sore. Whatever, aside from this 'hiccup' I guess I'll call it, I'm not going to let it put a damper on my morning. With all this Chase and Aiden shit that went down, I've been sidetracked from what's important, and thats making the gymnastics team.

Today is the final day of tryouts. I have to make today my bitch, and if that means I'll have to suck up to Mr. Cranky pants then so be it.

I take my time in the morning making sure I'm stuffed with oatmeal and eggs. Cause like, carbs are good for you or something stupid. I pack my gym bag, wave goodbye to mom, and rush out the door to meet Chase.

Once I hop into the car Chase gives me a big smile, then starts to sing out "IT'S FRIDAY, FRIDAY, GOTTA GET DOWN ON FRIDAYYY" I giggle, and cringe at the same time.

"Why're you in such a great mood?" I ask.

"Haven't I made it obvious already? It's FRIDAY, FRIDAY, GOTTA GET DOWN ON-" "Ok! I get it!"I cut him off. I'm over the Friday song. We both laugh at his obnoxiousness.

We get to the school lot and park. Chase shifts over to me, and then embraces me in a huge hug. What the heck?

I return the hug. "What's this for?" I ask.

"Are you doing ok from yesterday?" He asks softly.

"If you're asking if my ass is still burning, then yes"

"Aw my poor babygirl" He leans in and gives me a million kisses all over my face.

I giggle at his affection, until he pulls away a few seconds later.

"On a real note Sami, I'm sorry I had to do that"

"Yeah right"

"Chillllll" He laughs. "For real though, I hate having to punish you"

I resist the urge to repeat my "yeah right" again. He's being sweet and boy do I love when he's sweet!

"Maybe we can go a little easier on my butt next time" I reply.

"Yeah, something like that" He laughs while rolling his eyes.

We get out and start our walk into the building with his arm stretched over my shoulder. I lean my head on his chest.

We walk into first period. Chase pulls my chair out for me and makes a big hand gesture to show for it. "For my lovely lady." I want to groan at his cringey-ness.

Classes come and go by quickly. It doesn't help that my stomach has been turning throughout every lesson. I'm so nervous I could be cut from the team, and that's a huge possibility considering this school's team is good. Correction, really good.

I head to my locker to grab my gym bag before heading to practice. Of course Chase is patiently waiting for me. He leans in for a big kiss.

Once we finally pull our lips away from one another's I stare him in the eyes. I must have had a distraught look on my face because Chase looks off.

"You ok babygirl?"

"Yeah, just nervous. Really nervous" I admit.

"Oh baby" He pulls me close to his chest. "You're the reason every other girl trying out is nervous"

Somehow, Chase always knows how to make me feel better. It's a trait that makes being his sub not so bad. He wishes me luck as I head to practice.

This is the final day, so I have to make everything count. I work harder than I have done this entire week, which is a lot considering I've been busting my ass. I pour my heart and soul into every turn, tumble, and dismount possible.

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