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"This side of town is different. It's not weird if you grew up here. It's kind of a lot to take in on the first day but you need to listen close, if you want to fit in what so ever."

I nod at her, unsure of what she's about to say. 

"Well, we do this dominant/submissive thing."

My eyes immediately widen. The only thing I understand from what she just said I saw when I watched Fifty Shades of Grey last year. Now I'm kind of scared.

She laughs a little from seeing how drastically my facial expression changed. 

"Um what are you saying?.. what does that even mean? 

"So basically, the popular guys here, by the time they are an upperclassmen become the Doms. This means they basically scope out new freshman and choose who they want as their sub. If the sub declines any Dom, they get outcasted."

"Outcasted? What do you mean?"

"If you decline whatever Dom picks you, you will never be called by your name. No one will walk beside you, eat lunch with you, talk to you, or even look at you again."

I basically choke on my own saliva. What the fuck.

"..Um uh okay. What umm happened back there, with that tall guy?" I say back in a sheepish tone, not wanting to embarrass her for bringing up how awkward it was. 

She started laughing again at my response, and once again I am extremely confused.

"Sami, what happened was normal" 

She sensed my awkwardness on the topic. Ugh.

"No matter what guy talks to you, you have to be respectful back. They will make note of the instances where you aren't and go tell the rest of them. Then you'll be in trouble."

"What? Respectful? Why?"

"Like I said, they're the dominant ones. All girls here must be submissive to them. You have to show them that you will obey and listen. It's always yes sir."

This is going to be a lot to get used to. 

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