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My heart is racing. What the fuck just happened?!

I rush into a stall and lock the door behind me. My breathing intensifies. What did I just do?!

I take a minute and relive the past few moments. Clearly I had acted on impulse, but for a good enough reason. This motherfuck thinks he can blatantly flirt with other girls right in front of me?! I hate to admit that Julia was right...again.

After a few minutes pass I recollect myself and walk back out the stall and towards my locker to retrieve my phone. I anticipate a million texts and missed calls from Mr. Ex-Stupid-Bitch-Ass-Flirting-With-Other-Bitches-Ass-Hoe!! Alright, maybe I haven't fully calmed down yet..

And no notifications.

I change into sweats and make my way back onto the floor waiting for scores to be posted and the award ceremony. I placed 3rd in vault. Yup- that's me!

As soon as the competition closes, I hurry up to Olivia and share with her the new status of Chase and I's relationship. I watch her eyes go wide as I repeat the cursed words "fucking simp!"

"You said that?" She says looking almost nauseous.

"Unfortunately, yes"

I ask her to give me a ride home to which she agrees. Olivia leaves me for a second to go say her goodbyes with Aiden as I go to retrieve our gym bags from the lockers. Right as I'm about to push the doors open, someone yells for me. I turn to see Chase, and my heart drops.

"Sami, let me drive you home" He says to me softly, while walking closer to where I'm standing.

"Yeah, so you can 'punish' me for cursing you out? Get out of my face" I begin to continue my stroll until he catches a grip on my wrist. "I'm not asking" He says with sharper eyes and a deep voice. I nod and get my bag.

Chase holds my hand as we walk to the parking lot in silence. My stomach is turning over, I don't know why I agreed to him driving me.

Chase opens my door, assists me in and then buckles my seatbelt. Once he joins me in the car he turns to me, "I'm sorry"

I grit my teeth. How does he even want me to reply to that? "Do you just expect me to forgive you and we move on? Not happening, bud." I turn my body forward, ignoring his reaction to my words.

"I wasn't flirting with those girls, they just want my attention. I only have attention for you"

Pfft. "Smooth talking me ain't it chief, them grabbing at your arms as you FLEX them for them isn't giving flirting?" As if.

Chase bites his lip. I knew he'd have nothing to say.

"I think we're done here" I say monotoned. I unbuckle and open the door for my grand exit.

"Sami please," Chase calls after me, "let me prove to you that you're my girl"

It's amazing seeing Chase without his 'tough guy' act, or being a dom or whatever. Right now he's just my desperate boyfriend begging for me back. Classic shit.

"You would've done that already!" I yell in response as I walk away with my back turned to him. I hear Chase get back into his Jeep and slam the car door shut. He drives off.

As I get closer to the gym to meet back up with Olivia, the realization of what just transpired overwashes me. My eyes begin to water thinking about how Chase was flirting with those bitches. Chase and I haven't even been together that long, yet it feels like he tore a piece out of me. Damn, I need to man up.

I brush away my tears and put on a brave face. Olivia greets me with a hug and finally drives me home. We pull up to my house and unbuckle my seatbelt.

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