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I wake up the next morning with a minor headache. Kinda sucks but I'm pretty grateful this hangover isn't as bad as I've seen it be for people in movies.

I sit up and reach for my phone, and remember that I'm in Chase's bed. Damn, I really spent the night here. Shit, what even really happened last night? I mean I basically remember all of it, I'm cringing so hard at my attempt of making out with Chase. And I remember the part where Chase said I'm gonna get punished for getting 'crossed.' I groan. But where's Chase? I figure he'll come back soon, so I just lay back down and play on my phone.

15 minutes later Mr. Starting Varsity walks into the room.

"Aw, look who's finally up" He says teasingly.

"What? It's only 11... How long have you been up?" I ask.

"Oh you know, just since 5am"

"The fu-heck why?" I ask, almost completely slipping up, but I saved myself. Hopefully he doesn't mention it.

"Nice save, and I'm kidding, I got up like an hour ago. But starting Monday I'm gonna have to be up at 5 everyday for 6AM basketball practices" Ew.

"That sounds trash, poor Chase" I laugh at him.

"Yeah it's going to be trash, but it'll be trash for both of us" He says giving me a kiss on the cheek.

I laugh at him, what does that even mean? "Yeah, no just trash for you remember!" I point at him.

"Nah babes, that's where you're wrong. Remember when I said we're going to talk about your punishment for what you did yesterday? That's now"

"What's there to talk about? Aren't you just going to spank me for it?" I'm so confused.

"Not all punishments will be as fun as that babygirl" He winks and I shudder. "You're going to all my 6AM practices with me as your punishment." Is he kidding? Someone for the love of god please tell me this boy is playing.

"You're kidding" I say. There's no way, I have a hard enough time getting up by 11 on weekends.

"Nope, not kidding . You'll be happy to accompany me to them, won't you be?" He says with stern eyes. I don't want to have to accept defeat..yet.

I groan, "C'mon Chase, really? What would I even do there?" I ask, trying to convince him of how stupid this 'punishment' is.

"It'll be a good time to do your homework or whatever. All I know is you need to learn some responsibility, because what you did last night was not in the least bit responsible. Am I correct, little girl?"

He's an idiot, but he's right. Weird how those two can go together. I guess I owe it to him considering he took care of me last night. I bow my head "Yes sir"

He smiles then pulls me out of bed. "Let's get you something to eat"

He holds my hand on the way up to the kitchen. I still gawk at how nice his house is, his big kitchen with dark countertops and white cabinets, it looks out of a magazine.

He digs into the freezer and pulls out a box of chocolate chip Eggos. Interesting.

"Are those for me?" I ask him in a small voice while fluttering my eyelashes at him to tease.

He walks over to me and grabs my chin to force me to look him in the eyes. "Don't do that" he says, in a dominant tone.

"Do what?" I'm confused. "Don't flutter those damn lashes" he says to me while pushing a fallen strand of hair behind my ears. He lifts my chin up higher, and I anticipate a kiss. I want to finish what was supposed to happen yesterday. 

He leans in and I close my eyes, awaiting a perfect kiss from the boy. He leans in closer and then I feel a small peck on my cheek. Hell nah.

He starts to pull away, but I just want him so badly. I need to feel what I felt yesterday. I pull his arm back over to me and once again I smash my face to his. We kiss, wait correction, we make the fuck out. 

As my lips move around his violently, he lifts me up and sits me on the countertop. I feel like I'm in a cliche movie, and it feels too good. 

The make out  session doesn't end, and I don't want it to. He moves his hand to my breasts, slowly alternating between squeezing them and massaging. Soon enough he moves his hands down my body, stopping at certain points to tease me. It feels so fucking good, I want him to touch me. 

He reaches for my thigh and my breathing quickens. He starts trailing up my legs until we hear the front door shut violently. 

I freeze, are his parents home? Before I even get the chance to ask him, what I assume to be Chase's mom, walks right into the kitchen. What the actual fuck.

"Shit" I hear Chase huff under his breath- very quietly. 

My heart is racing at full speed. I'm still frozen, and I realize I'm still sitting on the counter. I cringe and quickly hop off and readjust my hair. This can't be happening. 

"Chase, I think you need to take your friend home" His mom says in a completely monotone voice. Ouch. 

"Yeah, we're just on our way out" He says emotionless. He motions for me to follow him out the door. 

I walk behind him, not knowing what the fuck to do in this situation. 

We reach his car and my anxiety is slowly starting to fade into anger. This is his fault. ALL his fault. "Chase, what the fuck was that?" 

"Watch your mouth, now." He commands. I don't give a shit, I'm supposed to be his girlfriend (sorta) and now his mom is going to hate me.

"No, seriously, what the fuck Chase!" I yell again without any regrets, I'm so pissed. "Calm down Sami, it's not that serious. And if you run your mouth again you're getting my belt." Yikes, how could he be so harsh? Does he not realize how mortified I am?

"That was the worst possible moment of my life! Now your mom's gonna hate me! Fuck you!" I'm not calming down, I can't help it. I don't care about his stupid threats, he needs to understand how I'm feeling, and right now I'm feeling fucking angry. 

He clenches his jaw, hard. Hmm..I never noticed how defined his jawline is. 

He doesn't look at me at all, focusing his eyes on the road ahead. He grips the steering wheel intensely. I can tell I really pushed him- considering he won't say a word to me. 

My anger is still there, but I just accept the fact that he doesn't give a shit about how I feel. I sit back into my seat low. 

Not even a minute later he pulls over to the side of the road. The fuck? I sit up and turn to him "Why are we stopping?"

He ignores me, once again. Shocker. 

He unbuckles his seat belt and gets out of the Jeep. I watch him walk around the car until he reaches my door. Before I can think of an explanation he opens my door. "Get out"

"What?" I scoff at him. 

"Get out of the car NOW" He commands in the most stern voice I have ever heard anyone use. I know he's dead serious, and I don't want to anger him more. I comply and hop out. 

"Pull your jeans down" He says. No no no, we're on the fucking side of the road! For my ego's sake, I plead with him. "No please Chase, I'm so sorry I promise, please." I beg, really beg. 

"Okay, so you want to break another rule? Got it" 

"No Chase, I'm sorry but please can we take this somewhere else? I promise I'll be good!" I can't give up- at least not yet. 

"If you don't take them down right now you WILL regret it, this is your last warning" He says, clearly not budging. I look around and theres no one around, I don't see any cars either. 

I put my head down, and reach for my jeans as my hands shake.

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