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Chase saying he's falling in love with me? To be honest I'd beg to differ. No one who's in love would've looked at other girls the way he did. I let it slide, because from aside from all his bullshit, sparks did in fact go flying.

He pulls away from our kiss, now with a nervous smile plastered across his face. What a fuckin dork.

"Never again" he says softly with sincere eyes.

Ok, I may be starting to believe him. My instinctual reaction was to pull him down and kiss him again. We continue our make out session until the lunch bell signals and interrupts our moment.

"Yikes, go luck with blue balls" I tease and turn to rush out the bathroom door. Somehow Chase manages to reach me right as I'm about to pry the door open for my break away.

As his arms wrap around my waist he pulls me back and right around, back into his chest.

"You're mine. I chose you for a reason." He whispers gently as he rests his head on top of mine. I shut my eyes to soak up the sweetness in the air. I must be dreaming.

My phone vibrates in my pocket and my eyes burst open.

Anxiety of Tyler awakens in me. I already can sense the text was from him. I gulp, how the fuck am I going to explain this to Chase. Obviously I want him, and I certainly no longer want Tyler.

I look up at the tall boy with big hands. Massive, strong, hands... It's now or never, and I know for some goddamn reason, I'm going to need Chase to get me out of this.

"Chase... " I begin awkwardly.


"There's something I need to tell you"

His expression changes to uncertainty. I take a breath to rethink how I'm going to word this.

"You see, well.. When I saw you with those girls I was just so mad. So fucking mad!" I say with passion. It's true.

He nods along, letting my cursing slide as he can sense the anxiety in my eyes.

"Well.. I may have hung out with Tyler after the meet. And he asked me to be his."

"What the actual fuck?" Chase says, his eyes glazing over with anger. Before I open my mouth he continues. "Why the actual fuck?" He pauses, no longer making eye contact. He's thinking. While I'm on the verge of sweating.

"I-I was just so mad at you and he seemed sweet at first but then it got all weird and creepy... but I want you Chase. I swear to God I really fucking want you."

I look up at him and he re-centers his focus on me. I just exposed the fuck outta my feelings like a goddamn simp.

Chase raises his hands and softly cups my face.

"I really fucking want you too."

I smile, knowing that Tyler hasn't came between us is a win.

"And I'll be making sure that Tyler knows that."

I gulp as Chase rushes out the bathroom door. Fuck it, I'd simp for this man any day.

A/N: Hi queens! Short chapter here... I'm sorry!! With the political climate the way it is currently I decided to write this quick chapter to calm our nerves a lil! As always, pls message me with any story ideas for this book. I was also considering starting a new one..? Gimme feedback pls!! I luv you all and stay safe!! <3

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