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My hands are shaking from humiliation as I continue to reach and unbutton my jeans. I can't believe Chase, I hate him!

I want to pick a fight, but I don't know what he means by saying that I'll 'regret it' if I don't comply. And I really do not want to find out.

I'm slowly starting to pull my jeans down but I decide to try to convince him once more, because this really can't happen.

I look up to Chase, "Chase," I begin to tear up, the embarrassment of being outside in public makes me feel so vulnerable, "Please can we p-please go somewhere else, I promise to be a good little girl just like you want, I mean expect me to be" I say sincerely, and I mean it. I finish my sentence with my head bowed.

I can't take a punishment here, especially considering the traffic is starting to pick up, and as every car drives by I can feel their stares.

He scrunches his face, but his eyes soften. "Get back in the car baby" he says to me. Although my ego is shattered, I feel victorious, but definitely in a pathetic way. My head hangs low as I climb back into the Jeep.

He meets me back in the car and it just feels so...awkward. As he switches into drive, he pulls off the road and we drive off.

I can't believe I pulled that off.

I sit silent with my head staying down, I really just don't know what to expect or do at this point. He reaches his hand over and rests it on my thigh for ...comfort? I don't know?

He finally turns to me "Sami, I understand you're upset. But you're upset for the wrong reasons, that wasn't even my mom" w-what? Did I hear him correctly?

"What? Then who was it?!"

"It was our accountant, or family friend I guess you could say" He says it so casually.

"Why was she in your house? and why would she tell us to leave??" I'm so shook.

"She checks in on the house and me, sorta, when my mom's out of town. She thinks she has some kind of jurisdiction over me, but she doesn't tell my mom shit."

"So you're sure she won't tell your mom about me? Or what just happened?" I ask worried

"Nah for sure she's not gonna say anything. I threw a fat party a while ago while my mom out away, she knew all about...she even helped me clean it up. Ma never knew a thing."

Well I'm definitely relieved, but now I feel like a dumb bitch, for the millionth time. Guess I really should start trusting this asshole.

"Okay, I'm sorry Chase. For being disrespectful.."

He pats his hand on my lap and smiles "I know baby, it's ok. But your still getting my belt."

Fuuuuck me.

We stop at Starbucks before heading to my house. There's no way he'll spank me at my own house, so I can breath, at least for a while.

When we get to my house I expect Chase to just drop me off, but instead he parks and gets out of the car as I do.

"Uhh Chase, what're you doing?" I ask

"I'm going to meet your parents babes, shouldn't a boyfriend know your parents?" He smiles and I'm both worried and stimulated at the same time. I didn't realize Chase cared that much.

We walk in and greet my parents cooking in the kitchen. My mom's face lights up like a damn Christmas tree when she sees Chase, weird but ok.

"Oh my, who's this Sami?" She asks rushing over to him to shake his hand.

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