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I can't believe I'm doing this... voluntarily.

As I get closer to the crowed table, the faces of the boys become more clear, and I recognize Chase's friends from earlier as they throw straw wrappers at each other.

As I'm awkwardly shuffling to the side of the table closest to where Chase is sitting with his back turned away from me. My presence becomes known and I receive several stares from the boys.

"Ha! Chase, looks like you have company!" Says one of the blondes.

Chase gives him a confused gaze as the boy points towards me.

Chase turns his body to face me and smirks right as he makes eye contact.
I shudder.

"Hey pretty girl. Surprised you came." He smiles at me.

"Ha- yeah" is all I can choke out to the boy.

"I'm impressed you made the right choice, otherwise I would've had to come find you, and that wouldn't have been very fun for you."

Um.. what?

"And what does that mean?" I say in an annoyed tone. Who does this bitch think he is?

"Ohh, you really are new here. Cmon let's go talk." He says as he grabs my hand and guides me out of the lunchroom.


He leads me to an empty hall as he lets go of my wrists and looks down to at me.

"Sami, right?"

Ok weird, how does he know my name?

"Um, yeah." I say back with a confused face.

"I got your name from Maddy, I've seen you talking to her a few times- I bet it was about me." He says back a smirk.

Ok first of all Maddy's been talking to him? Ugh what is her deal? And second, this boy is just as cocky as I thought he'd be.

"Ha you wish." I roll my eyes to him.

"Stop that shit, now. You're mine now, and I don't put up with any of that bratty shit. Roll your pretty little eyes again and see what happens."

Oh my god. What the fuck.

"I'm sorry—but what the fuck are you talking about?" I say, clearly shocked and irritated by his words.

His glare intensifies once again and I start to remember that scared feeling I had from our first encounter.

Hi guys!! Sorry such a small update :( I just wanted to say thank you for your comments, they're what motivate me to update!

I'm asking for a little feedback — I plan to write spankings as punishments, let me know if you'd like that or have any other ideas! Please comment :)

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