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Maddy left the bathroom after giving me her number for whenever I have questions or need help finding my next classes.
She was nice, probably the only semi-normal person here.

I don't know what to think. How am I going to adjust to this? Maybe I'll be able to make up some crazy shit and my mom will let me go back to the school near my house. There I actually had friends and I wasn't contemplating life. This shit was so weird.
I fix my hair in the mirror and rinse water over my face before leaving the bathroom.

I make my way to my first class watching carefully where I'm going so I don't accidentally bump into any 'doms' like before. I was not about to go through whatever that was again.

Mr. Pikes room 304, Intermediate Algebra was my first class of the day. I'm already a grade level above in math, it's just something I've always been good at. Now I'm realizing being a grade above in math is not a good thing anymore, this class is going to be full of upperclassmen. I need to switch out or something. Who cares about college apps, I need to survive high school first.
I make my way into the class and pray there will be a seating chart, so I know not to sit in anyone's territory.

No chart. Just my luck. And this class is basically empty, so I can't map out who sits where by just people watching.

I gulp and decide to sit in the front of the room. No one would want to sit in the front, right? At least I'll be close to the teacher and I'll be left alone.

I was wrong.

About 3 or 4 tall, muscular boys walk in and immediately stare into my eyes. Holy shit it feels like they're staring into my soul with those looks. My heart race intensifies and I have a huge knot in my stomach. I know somehow that I fucked up. I mean, I don't know how or why I fucked up, but I'm praying to God I'm not dead after this class.

One of the brown hair guys comes darting towards me.

His glare softens, but not really. It's just less intense as it was before, considering he can probably tell how fucking stressed out I am right now.

"Hey little girl, you must be new" He says to me with almost a ...smirk?

Hold on, did this little bitch just call me a little girl?
I decide to let it slide, I could be in deep shit right now. But who knows? I don't understand jack shit about this wack school!

Ok Sami, remember what Maddy told you, I remind myself.

Refusing to make eye contact back I reply in a shaky tone.

"Uhh umm yes ...uh sir, I am new." Ok not too bad I think.

"Well, looks like you have a lot to getting used to. Front of the class is for men. Little girls sit in the back. So I suggest you take your pretty little ass to the back of the room."

Excuse me? I am NOT letting that bullshit slide.

"Look dude, it's my first day. Why the fuck do you "men" get the front anyway? I'm trying to LEARN. Who even cares it's MATH CLASS." Ok wow. Where did this fire come from? I know I'm digging myself in a hole now but this asshole is making me so frustrated.

His eyes widen at my response and his glare immediately roughens. I'm horrified. Hi yes mom can you pick me up I'm about to die.

"You have so god damn much to learn. I'll give you a quick lesson then I'm teaching you the rest at lunch. Looks like a brat needs to be trained. Got it?"

I roll my eyes at this guy.

"Ya sure"

He leans in close to my face and my breathing is starting to quicken. He still hasn't let go of his glare and I can feel myself shaking from fear. But I'm still so angry at his stupid statement and calling me a little girl and all that. A part of me wants to fight while the other is screaming at me to accept defeat.

He begins replying to me through gritted teeth.
"The real athletes, such as myself,  get the front of the class. We need good grades to play. Is that too much to understand? You're gonna learn how shit works around here. Even if I have to train your ass."

That glare is so much for me to handle that I accept my defeat and hurry to the back of the room. I can feel all those other guys' eyes on me as they begin to talk shit. He smirks at me and then slides right into the seat I was in.

That bitch.

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