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Did he really just play me like that? I knew Chase was a dumb bitch.
I grit my teeth and refuse eye contact. Without a word I slide out of the Jeep and slam the door shut. Hard. I don't care, I hate this, all of it.

I'm speed walking away as I detangle my headphones and shove them into my ears. I need something to take my mind off this mess, so in this case it's music.
As I'm about to reach the exit gate an arm jerks me back.

Of fucking course it's Chase. I pull my small escape from this world out of ears and face him.

"I have nothing to say to you." I spit

"Sami, we need to talk." He says with surprisingly soft eyes.
I'm not giving in to his bullshit. No way.

"Like I just said, I have nothing."

"You need to watch your tone, now" He says back now with his eyes sharpening.

"And if I don't? What you're going to 'sPaNk" me? Yeah, no. Bye!"
I release his grip from my arm before seeing his reaction to my words. To be honest I don't want to see it. I don't know how I became so confident after all the submissive shit he just put me through.

I begin to sprint off as I hear Chase yell to me.

"You have the next hour to tell me what you want! And if you miss the deadline it's done and you're out! For good!"

What did I just get myself into?

I catch my bus thinking about his words. To be honest I don't know what I'm going to do.
Finally the bus reaches my house and I run straight to my room before my mom could even say hello.

I bury myself under the blankets to find comfort for this situation. I start scrolling through my social media's until I realize it's almost 3:30. I have 20 minutes to text Chase. Fuck. I try debating between my options but I just can't bring myself to a coffee conclusion. There's only one person who can help me, Maddy. I quickly dial her number and pray to god she picks up.

"Heyyy!! How'd it go girl?"

"Thank GOD you answered, I don't know what to do!!"

Tears are starting to brim my eyes. I'm too overwhelmed and I'm on a time crunch. I begin to explain to her everything that went on today. She basically choked when I told her about my outburst on Chase.

"Sami, it'll get better I promise. You have to do this! Chase can be a real hard ass but I hear he's really sweet when you get to know him. Do it, you know if you don't you're going to regret it. Don't you only have like 10 minutes to tell him now?"

Maddy's right. She always (kinda) is. I go into my messages and that's when I realized I don't know his number. Shit, now I'm in panic mode.

"Maddy PLEASE tell me you have his number!! I forgot to get it from him!"

"I don't, but I know someone who does let me text them, I'll text you it as soon as I get it! Don't worry it'll be fine... I hope."

I'm relieved but still panicking. The clock is ticking. We hang up the phone and I continue staring at my blank phone praying for her text.
It's been 6 minutes and still nothing. I think my heart is going to explode. I mean that would probably be better than living in this situation right now.

I have literally one minute left before my deadline and I accept it. I'm finished.
And there it is, times up and still nothing. My life is over.
The tears are back but this time I'm sobbing. After what felt like an eternity I get that text from Maddy with Chases number. It felt like a sign of hope but after checking the clock I'm 12 minutes past due.
I still need to text him. I really have no choice. Maybe he'll be understanding of my situation?

As my heart beats through my chest I send my message.

Chase, I'm sorry. I'm just so overwhelmed, I shouldn't have taken it out on you. I'm sorry I'm texting you late, I had to get your number and it took longer. I'm sorry.

Good enough. Text is sent and now we wait. We wait with our eyes glued to the phone.

"Text me your address. Be ready in 15 minutes"

Shit. I instantly respond with my address without giving it a second thought. I don't know if this is a good sign or not but I'll take it as better than being ghosted. I quickly fix up my hair and brush on another coat of mascara.
I stare out my bedroom window until I see his Jeep pull up at the road in front of my driveway. This is it.
I run downstairs and tell my mom I'm going to the library with a friend for bio.

My body is shaking as I pull open the passenger side door and hop in. I need to be as polite or 'submissive' as possible to win him back over, considering I'm probably, ok definitely in hot water.

I'm not surprised as Chase says nothing to me as we drive off. I sit with my head down the entire ride. I'm too stressed to look up.
The car stops and I finally look up and we're back in front of his house.

Once again Chase leads me up the porch steps, into his house and down the stairs to his room.

Immediately after we step in I get into my 'position' kneeling on the floor with my head bowed. Does he even still want me? Should I be kneeling? These thoughts are consuming my brain right now.

I can see Chase's steps as he paces back and forth. Finally he clears his throat.

"You're lucky I think you're cute. Otherwise it'd be over."

I sense of relief washes over my body.

"I appreciate your apology. And I'm proud of you for finding a way to get my number. But you're going to need to earn my respect back for you. I told you I don't do brats, isn't that a rule?" He asks

"Yes sir" I comply

"And how were you acting today?"

"Like a brat" I reply, with obvious shakiness in my tone.

"Well it looks like it's going to be time for your first punishment."

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