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Chase walked me to the office where he found me some Advil and an icepack to help me heal from my non-existent battle wounds. "Are you sure you're ok? For god's sake you have your first meet today!"

"Shit! I completely forget" I spit. I hurry up to a mirror in the office to check my appearance. I sigh out in relief, "Thank god there's no bruising."

"Yeah, thank god." Chase says stepping closer to me. He lifts my chin up and examines my face again for himself.

"This mouth and its cursing will never learn, will it?" He asks, brushing his thumb across my bottom lip.

I shrug, "one day I suppose" I say with a wink.

"Such a bad girl.." Chase grabs my arm quickly, forcing my body to bend over on his side with his grip wrapped around my stomach. "Chase cmon" I whine from being in this awkward position.

SMACK! He smacks my right cheek, just enough for it to sting. "Hmm" I wince.

"I want you to work on that" He says and releases his grip. I stand and readjust my outfit. Sheesh, what's up his ass?

"Your behavior needs work. Since you have a meet today especially. You represent me out there in front of the other guys, and my little girl is always well behaved."

I just nod in response, something Chase quickly makes clear he doesn't like. "Isn't that right?"

"Yes, sorry" I finish with my head down.

The bell rings, signifying the end of lunch. Chase gives me kiss goodbye and we go our separate ways.

I head to English and take my place as usual. "Hey Sami!" A voice that sounds too familiar... I turn to see Julia's platinum blonde hair with her stupid face to match it starring right at me. I normally don't hate on pretty bitches just for being pretty, but she's Chase's ex so I allow myself the exception.

"Hey Julia" I reply monotoned, keeping my eyes forward.  This girl blatantly told me she doesn't like me when Chase and I first got together. She's bold to think I'd give her the time of day.

"I hear the gymnastics team has their first meet today! You must be excited" She begins.

"You're darn right I am!" I reply sarcastically, over exaggerating my arm to make a dramatic thumbs up gesture.

"Well, I wish you luck, especially in your situation..." She says half awkwardly, half bitchy.

I don't have time for this stupidity. "If there's something you want to say what's stopping you?" I spit. My head's still aching from the fight, and I have a big meet later. Ya girl is stressed enough.

"Just watch out for the Northridge girls, they sweat Chase" She sighs and rubs her fingernails, "Thank god I don't have to deal with that anymore."

"They sweat him?" Clearly I don't understand this schools slang.

"No duh? Those girls look at Chase like he's a god" She laughs.

"Noted. Well it's a good thing Chase finally has taste now, so I shouldn't have anything to worry about"

"Just a heads up" She says as she rolls her eyes and makes her way back to the Devil's corner. I recenter my focus on the lecture, but soon enough I begin to daydream about my meet later. I focus on my routines and play them back in my head, over and over. I am not letting Julia try and tip me off.

The rest of the day skates on by as usual. The final bell rings, and with that I rush quickly to the locker room. I have no room for distractions right now.

I see Olivia in the corner of the room, already in her competition Leo getting ready to start her makeup.
"Dang girl, how'd you get here so fast?" I say as I begin to unpack my bag and change.

"I skipped last class" She says with a grin.

 "Bitch! Let me know next time." Olivia laugh, "bet."

"Anyways," I start, "How're the Northridge girls?"

"Eh, they're whatever. I think we have them beat"

"Really? Good to know" I guess I have nothing to worry about if our teams just gonna kick their asses. I shrug Julia's words out of my mind.

Olivia and I enter to the gym and join the team for warm up stretches. I look into the stands, trying to eye out Chase. Apparently Olivia's doing to same considering she points Aiden out first. "Chase's right there!" Olivia says, pointing him out as he's walking up to Aiden. I smile and wave once he catches eye contact. He blows me a kiss in return. Aw.

I attempt to put on my A game as soon as the competition begins. I start on Beam, my least favorite event. The nerves are really killing me, to the point where they're untamable. I mount the beam, and then fight through the routine sticking each skill. I finished by sticking my dismount. Hell yes!

So far so good, I'm doing considerably well in comparison to my past competitions. I complete my other two events, bars and vault, so I only have floor left to compete. I make my way to the section and check in with the officials. 

The floor is right in-front of the bleachers so I look towards the direction I saw Chase last to receive comfort. I gaze through the stands, but he's not where he was last sitting? Whatever, I just need to get through my last event, whether  Chase is here or not. 

I step out onto the floor when the announcer signals my name. I salute, and flash the judges a smile. I used crest whitening strips last night so I ain't afraid to show off my shiny teeth and me!

I begin my routine and dance my way to the corner of the floor to initiate my first tumbling pass. I take a deep breath and eye the corner where I'll finish the pass. As I begin running, I spot Chase's back turned away near the water fountains. I tumble through the pass, but seeing Chase threw me off a little, so I stumble on my finish landing. Ugh. 

I continue my routine trying to see what Chase is doing, which is not helping my athletic ability in the slightest. I finish my routine and huff. Definitely not my best work.

I rush over to the area where I last saw Chase to ask what he thought of my routine, because I damn well know he didn't watch a second of it. I look around and he's gone again. I roll my eyes and decide to head back to the lockerroom. 

I hear giggling so I turn, and to my surprise, it's Mr. Starting Varsity! This time it's not with a smile to congratulate me, but it's about 5 girls all circling him, one of which is feeling his arms. I practically see red. Oh fuck no. 

I push past the girls huddled around him until I'm standing right in front, "Oh hey Sami" Chase says awkwardly. He pulls his arm away from the girl touching his muscles.

"Oh hey Chasey bear!! What're we doing over here?" I ask overly sarcastic, boy is he about to feel my wrath.

I receive harsh glares from all the Northridge girls. "He's hanging with us" Some snarky bitch replies.

"Oh is he? Well Chase, why don't you tell them why you're really here?"

Before Chase can open his mouth, another bitch turns to me. "Honey, you need to leave him alone, he's not into you" as if I'm backing down to that. These losers don't realize that I fought a bitch earlier today and I'm not afraid to throw hands again.

"Oh but honey that's where you're wrong, go take your ugly ass somewhere else" I reply.

We both look to Chase, to which he replies "Sami, you need to watch your language"

And that was it ladies and gentlemen, the last straw. It's like a heat wave was sent through my body. I stand up strong, my heart racing  from his response. 

"And you need to find a new bitch, because I'm done with your games, fucking simp." I spit. I turn and run into the lockerroom. 

A/N: Hi y'all I'm alive! Midterms have been wrecking me this quarter. I feel like this story has been going downhill :(( I'm sorry it sucks and I suck with uploading lol.. I love y'all tho forever and always!! Thank you for 1 Mill reads!! You made my kinky dreams come true lol! 

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