4 ☠️

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Seungmin started laughing, but boy was it clear to see that it was by far not out if happiness. If annoyed was a number, his amount would have been beyond infinity. "So much for getting any sleep," he said, exasperatedly rolling his eyes. Our eyes all peered up as an eerie laugh sounded through some sort of cracking speakers, trying to figure out what was going on.

"I guess you got lucky Hyunjin, I had to say my expectations were a bit low of you," an unfamiliar yet excited voice called out. "As you can see ladies and gentleman, the game has officially started! Aren't they all good looking? I'm guessing that's why so many of you are watching already!" Felix groaned, running his hand through his hair. "What is going on? What are you talking about?" The man started laughing, a laugh that would normally get you to laugh with, if the odds were different.

"I guess our contestants are a bit confused, so let's explain it shall we? Why don't you guys look up, take a good look around." We instantly did as we were told, scanning the area. "Can you see the camera's installed?" the voice continued. We nodded, slowly spotting more and more of them. "I thought those were just for security purposes," Changbin whispered in my ear, coming to stand next to me. I hummed in agreement. I hadn't actually thought a lot of it before, but since this building too was already part of the game, it changed everything.

"You see, this year we decided to change things up a little," he continued. "We decided to broadcast on life TV. Isn't that great, you guys will be famous soon!" he laughed again, yet none of us could join his laughter. "This wasn't in the contract," Chan stated sharply. Seeing how sure he seemed, I could only imagine how well he studied all the rules. Logical, of course, as what was written in it could make the difference between life and death.

"That's very sharp of you Chan. It indeed wasn't, but I thought Ellie told you guys about it?" he pondered, a silence falling for a few seconds. "Well, I guess she didn't, our bad. But oh well, it already started, what do we do?" he asked, sounding worried, though he didn't even try to make it sound genuine. "We can't just stop it, we're very sorry, I hope you can forgive us," he concluded. "Yeah right," Minho muttered in annoyance.

"Anyways, why don't I introduce myself? I'll be here for some commentary occasionally, though I won't try to butt in too much. I can't tell you my name, but call me sir. I'm the creator of this game, so I'm honered to see you youngsters taking interest in it. I'll be rooting for you, so good luck. Will they make it untill the end? For those who don't know the rules or just tuned in, let me explain the idea."

All around us screens went on, a video playing, way too loudly if you asked me. "Hello and welcome to the funhouse, good thing you tuned in! Today is the first day of the game, and who knows how many more there will be! In this game we will have nine contestants fighting for their lives. Their goal is to stay alive, all of them, and find the exit. If they do, they will each get one million, together with everything they need to live comfortably, like housing and food."

"I guess they added that later on or something, I hadn't read about it," I whispered to Changbin, glad to have someone to talk a little to. "They probably wanted to make it look more appealing for viewers is my best guess," he responded. "Of course, it won't be easy to get that," sir continued. "I can hear you think, won't they just be able to walk right to the end? No no, we can't make it all that easy on them right?"

He laughed once more. I guess that was like his catch frase, even though it didn't have any actual words. "They will go through different stages, different environments, different hardships. There will be choices to make, missions to complete in these so called zones. This allows them to fully experience the hardships so they won't get off too easy folks! As most of you have probably already heard, we have our very first survivor here working for us. Ellie, dear, can you give our viewers an idea of what they're up against?"

The images stopped on the video, switching over to Ellie like you'd see in the news. "Hello everyone, my name is Ellie, nice to meet you all. I can't exactly describe everything in detail on how my missions went, but I can tell you they were the real deal." She chuckled to herself. "I was honestly surprised at the amount of materials there were. Some zones had actual wild animals in there, some had actors allowed to torture and murder, and some had boobietraps like you only see in movies. The landscapes were so beautifully recreated that I almost couldn't believe it wasn't real. In the end, as I could slowly see everyone dying, there was just one thing on my mind. Make it to the next door."

You could see a dark figure nodding as the video switched to a black room with very little lighting, probably to keep anyone from recognizing sir, or whatever he called himself. "Thank you for that Ellie, I hope everyone has gotten a bit of an idea on what to expect. For those wondering, our team has signed a waver filled with rules and regulations, so they are fully aware of what could happen to them and gave us permission, so no need to worry. I hope you all enjoy the 24/7 live stream, and please cheer our team on!"

"Sir, over and out."

The funhouse of murder • Stray Kids X readerWhere stories live. Discover now