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"We really screwed up this time, didn't we?" Minho asked with a half hearted chuckle. We had been lucky it was starting to get late there, had the boss not been tired, whatever were to happen to us wouldn't have been postponed until the next morning. "Well, I wouldn't say we screwed up," Changbin muttered back, his eyes glancing outside. I let out a sigh, my legs curling up as I sat against the wall, down on the floor. "I'm sure he meant well, but it looked like he was in some sort of hyperfocus. Like he could only concentrate on one thing and that was it."

Changbin rolled his eyes. "If he's the leader of our group, shouldn't he have to be able to focus on multiple things at once? I honestly think if you didn't run back to us we'd been killed right there and then." That comment I had no comeback on. He was trying, I was sure, but I had to admit that it just wasn't good enough. Not now, and not back then. I closed my eyes, the heavy feeling keeping them shut, my breathing slowing down. There was nothing we could do until this morning. Running away would get us immediately killed this time, that was sure.

"Y/N, why don't you just lie down on the bed?" Minho offered, already getting off of it. "You seem like you could use a good night's rest," he added. I shook my head, keeping my eyes closed. "Don't worry, it's not my first night without sleep. I'll get by. You guys get your rest though, it's been rough on you too." Had it been the first night I probably would have taken him up on his offer instantly, but at this point it wasn't just me I worried for anymore. There was so much I didn't know about them, and yet I knew enough to figure out that I wasn't the only one having it rough. These guys were also just trying to survive. And sometimes their trying just didn't work out.

"I don't think any of us will be able to sleep tonight," Changbin joined in, getting up again. "Man, I wish I could go for a walk right now. It seems like a pretty clear night," he muttered, staring out the tiny window we had. I finally opened my eyes again, staring at his illuminated figure. "That doesn't sound too bad no," I answered, staring outside past him. I chuckled. "Maybe they'll let me out if I say I have to go to the toilet. That'll probably be the closest to a walk I'll get, it's worth a shot."

Though the both gave me a disapproving look, I already got up again, my legs desperately needing that stretch. "Come on, what's there to lose anyways?" I added, already up to the door. "Excuse me? I need to go to the toilet!" I shouted loudly, ignoring their gazes. Silence remained, making me try again. "If I can't go to an actual toilet I'll have to do so here, and you'll have to deal with the stench all night," I added on, hearing a soft chuckle behind the door.

What? Was it actually working? "Alright, but the second you leave my side you're a goner, you got that?" a strange voice called out from behind, suddenly sounding stern again. "Of course," I answered back, looking back again in surprise, even Minho and Changbin seeming taken aback. "Be careful," Changbin whispered just before the door opened. "Chul, you stay here with these two, I'm taking her with me," he called out, motioning for me to come to him.

He couldn't even be much older than us, given his looks. He tightly grabbed my wrist, ensuring subtly that I knew I wasn't going anywhere. And even then, all around the group of bungalows were guys stationed for patrol, making it impossible for us to even try, just one look outside made that clear again. And even then, I wasn't going to get out of this grip. "Here you go," the guy exclaimed, setting me right in front of the small wooden toilet box. "You do your thing, but don't do anything funny, you got it?" he actually smiled.

This seemed easy. Almost too easy. "Why thank you, mister..." I smiled back, a glisten of hope rising. "Dae. Just Dae," he answered, a flirty hint to it. I smiled. This might just work. I locked the door behind me, making a quick inventory to see if there was anything useful here. But other than a small bit of toilet paper, nothing there looked like it would get me out. Nothing, except for Dae. It didn't take too long for me to go back out again, already stretching out my hand rather than my wrist.

"Can't you take me for a walk around here? It's such a nice evening, and my legs are completely sore from all the sitting. I'm sure with just standing outside you can understand?" He let out another chuckle, actually taking my hand. "Well alright then, but only because this entire week has been boring as hell," he laughed, my smile unconsciously growing wider. I was used to having to find creative ways to survive at home, but the fact that it was working so easily with a complete stranger was new. It was actually... exciting. Bending things to make them go my way, rather than just using it for survival.

Who knew how far I could take this.

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