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Changbin and Jeongin

The scream they had just heard through the building should have been a warning sign. Something telling them to stop, but at that point it was already too late. Rather than opening the door, looking back to see where the screaming came from may have been their foremost mistake, as it took them too long to realize now what had been waiting for them. Had it not been for Changbin's quick reflex, his head would have probably been swung off already. "Shit! Jeongin, run!" Changbin shouted, wasting no time to turn back around. Jeongin however, who hadn't had a clear sight of the door yet, took longer to realize an ambush was waiting for them, until four terrifying creatures suddenly came running out the door, chasing after them.

"Fuck!" Jeongin cursed, just barely dodging the swing of an axe, finally starting to run as well. He knew they must have been actors, but seeing a lunatic with an axe, a plague doctor with a syringe as big as his upper arm, some zombie, and a ghost chasing behind them, it wasn't hard to guess they were ambushed. "We should have listened!" Jeongin called out, tears springing in his eyes as he ran after Changbin, not daring to look back. "Maybe we'll find them, come on!" Changbin shouted back, already at the stairs. Though Changbin was already jumping up three steps at a time, Jeongin was clearly struggling behind him, his legs barely keeping up with the rest of his body. "Guys! Help!" Changbin shouted as loud as he could. "Help!" he shouted again, grabbing onto the railing to try to get up even faster, had he not stopped as he saw Jeongin's ankle in the hands of one of the monsters.

"Shit, Jeongin!" Changbin shouted, running down as quickly as he could as he looked down at Jeongin's frame, trying his best to kick and hit the first actor off, while the other three had already caught up. "Hyung, run! Get the others to safety!" Jeongin shouted out, his breath choking as he tried his hardest to win an impossible fight. He knew there had been a risk, and that maybe it wasn't the smartest idea, but he promised Changbin he'd stick by his side. Was he regretting it, now that he knew his end was nearing? Maybe. No, probably, even. Had he stuck by Y/N's side like he'd wanted to deep down he might have stayed alive, but that was the cost of loyalty, it seemed. Maybe it was a good thing she didn't go with them, now at least she had a better chance at staying alive. He closed his eyes, already seeing the axe swinging down.

"Are you crazy?" he heard Changbin shout out, and before he knew it, he heard the axe fall to the ground, spotting Changbin on top of the guy, holding a knife he had kept in his backpack. "We stick together, I'm not leaving you behind!" Changbin yelled, making Jeongin's eyes become filled with tears. He had been so sure he'd be left again he'd just given up already. Had Changbin left him he would have survived, so why? Deep down, Changbin knew that too, but he knew that he could have never lived with the guilt of watching another teammate die right before his eyes. He still felt responsible for Seungmin's death, he wasn't going to have Jeongin's one on his consciousness too. Maybe he knew all too well that if he did make it out of here alive, life would never be better anyways, so the least he could do was stay by the one new friend he made in here that actually had faith in him.

"Changbin, what are you doing!" Jeongin yelled, finally with the courage to get up again, shoving the guy on top of him away in a rush of adrenaline. Thankfully even the actors seemed startled from Changbin jumping on top of the guy from the top of the stairs. Changbin was probably the only one crazy enough to do so. Jeongin rushed to Changbin's side, only to be quickly pulled back by one of them, the other two men now soon rushing to their axe friend's aid. No matter how much Jeongin hated it, and no matter how much he had tried to train beforehand, the actors must have realized it too, that Changbin was easily the strongest out of the two.

"Jeongin, don't worry, I-" Changbin tried to console his younger friend, but went numb as he was stung by the syringe, his body falling to the floor. "Finally," Jeongin heard one of the actors say, as if it was a relief. "Changbin!" Jeongin shouted out, kicking and hitting the guy that had been holding him with all his might. "What did you do to him!" Jeongin shouted, the tears streaming down his face. The guy with the plague mask laughed, finally getting up again, adjusting the mask to once again cover his face. "What does it look like," he laughed, nodding to the zombie that was holding Jeongin. "Now just hold very still so we can get this over quickly," added the doctor, already coming up to him.

Without hesitation, Jeongin started shouting, as loud as he could. "Y/N! There's actors here trying to kill you behind the doors! Don't come down here!" he was just able to scream before he felt his body turning numb. And yet, despite it all, he was actually smiling. She should be safe this way, right? He already knew he wouldn't make it out from the minute he had hit his head in the first zone. His headache was only getting worse by the day, and the injury he'd kept trying to hide only expanding and worsening. Still, he had done everything he could to help out the others, keep them safe. Maybe in another life he could have been happy the way he was, maybe then he wouldn't have joined something as crazy as this. But for now, his duty was finally over. He could finally let it all rest.

All the hard work had now come to an end, as his body too now fell to the ground.

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