69 ☠️

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It was way too hot in here. Not like the dry hot we experienced in the desert. No, this humid hot weather was making us sweat even more, my legs sticky as my thighs constantly scraped against each other with each step I took. Even my hands were a sweaty mess, drops falling down with every other mosquito I squashed between them. I knew we would have to be prepared for anything, but making our way through this overgrown jungle was something I wasn't quite looking forward too. Not that I had been looking forward to anything, but this certainly didn't help to spark any will to continue.

At this point the only thing I wore were both black shorts and a tank top, too hot to wear anything else on top of it like I had done so before, the long sleeve wrapped around my waist, my sweatpants stuffed in my bag. Even the boys had already gotten rid of most of their unneccessary clothing, their sleeves all rolled up. Anything to help them cool down a little. Though we hadn't exactly thought things through properly, we did agree to first search for a water source. We already figured, given our previous hardships, this wasn't going to be anything easy. We'd probably be here for at least two days, as there currently seemed no immediate threats. Though to be fair, except for the plants, trees, and those annoying flying bastards, we hadn't exactly seen anything at all.

By now the sun was already setting, we were all still tired from before, but all of the walking was wearing us out completely. "Should we split up after all?" Changbin suggested after a while. "Two groups of two, one group of three? At this point we won't get anywhere." Changbin opened his bag, taking out one of the walky talkies. The last gift we were ever to receive. After careful consideration, sir had decided to stop with both the comments and the gifts. Like I remembered a comment saying, the spoiling of the answers would have made it too easy for us, was his reasoning, as well as the gift giving. Donations now would simply be split, half the profit going to us, half to the mastermind himself.

Maybe it was for the best after all. The gifts truly came in handy, but seeing all of the comments concerning Felix and Seungmin was quite frankly too much to bear anyways. "This way we'll at least be able to keep in contact. We've received three of them anyways, so it should be fine. I'd just much rather have a place to camp at during the night. These rations won't last us forever," Changbin added. We had reached a point where we could easily go either way, so splitting up now would be the easiest if we were going to eventually. People were getting tired, and we'd have to find a place to stay for the night somewhere. Chan sighed, showing his obvious dislike for the plan, and yet he found himself caving in.

"Fine. Hyunjin, Jeongin, you guys go left to search for anything edible. Fruits, edible plants, anything. Test it on any animals you find first, and otherwise hunt those down if you can't find anything else." Changbin, Minho and Y/N, you're on the right on the lookout for water. A creek, river, pond, anything, as long as we can drink out of it. Me and Jisung will go straight ahead to see if we can find anything to build a shelter with. We'll keep in contact every once in a while, just to check in on one another, and decide what to do." Even though there was an immediate whine of disapproval from Jisung, Minho for the first time didn't seem too unhappy about it. I could see why Chan separated the two. He probably knows there is more to Minho than he can show, and wants to see what Jisung is capable of himself. He may not show it as much, but despite me wanting to admit it, he was thinking everything through thoroughly.

Hyunjin and Jeongin clearly needed some time to theirselves to make up, or figure out what to do to at least be civil with one another, which is probably why Chan put them together. Besides that, they clearly went way back, so were definitely well aware of their strengths and weaknesses, which is why, even now, they made a good team. That would leave me, Changbin and Minho. And even there, with Minho's memory, Changbin's strength, and my experiences, we'd make a good team as well. "Let's get going then, shall we?" Minho was first to speak up, glancing at Changbin and I as he already started walking. My eyes met with both Hyunjin and Jeongin, quick to look back at Minho. "Sounds like a plan," I answered, speeding up a little to catch up to him, with Changbin right behind us.

The others started moving too right behind us, but the only way to tell was by their footsteps and the sounds of leaves rustling with every move made, as no words were spoken among anyone. Everyone seemed either awkward or uncomfortable, and yet it was probably necessary to at least be civil with the other. Our group was probably the only one that didn't upright feel weird. Though I rarely talked to Minho, at least I got along well with Changbin. So far he had been one of the few that seemed to believe in me from the start, and I was truly thankful for that. Looking at Minho walking up front, quiet but determined, it made me wonder what more there was to him that he wasn't showing to the others.

Because if he and Jisung were so close, why did he just seem so eager to get away from him?

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