87 ☠️

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Trigger warning: sexual assault

"Now that everyone is all freshened up, why don't we get started?" Boss started off, watching the three of us standing in front of him, back in our own small bungalow. Though it still felt quite uncomfortable, knowing the creepy things he wanted to do, with the new view of being able to actually get out of here and start a new life, things didn't seem as bad anymore. It wasn't just to survive anymore, it was for a chance of starting anew. I couldn't be more grateful to Jut. I could get a lot more than I thought.

We all stayed quiet, carefully watching his every move. Just one more afternoon, and it would be over. Enduring one more evening of things I've had to endure all my life couldn't be that bad, right? "Why don't we start with Changbin? He surely seemed eager," he laughed, Changbin's eyes shooting down instantly. I still had no idea what had happened when I was gone, but judging from how quiet the both of them were, it probably wasn't all that good. "Changbin, why don't you start with kissing her? Gotta prepare her nice and easy now," the boss ordered, Changbin's eyes flickering to mine, filled with regret.

I gave him a reassuring smile, nodding slightly to give him permission. I couldn't be the only feeling uncomfortable with it, but at least I've learned to endure it. I could only hope the both of them never had to deal with it before. Changbin slowly made his way to me, past Minho who couldn't even bare to look. His hands cupped my cheeks, his lips mouthing a small sorry before meeting my own. My eyes closed, trying to cut out all of my surroundings. Maybe if I pretended this wasn't happening it wouldn't be too bad.

My arms draped over his shoulders, not wanting it to look too awkward. From what I had observed so far, if the boss didn't like anything, he'd take matters into his own hands. "No, no, Minho, you have to watch," the boss said, bringing his face up to look at us. "What happened to the boy you were in my hut?" Minho yet again kept silent, this time however forced to look up at us. "Or do you want to kiss her first? Is that it?" he asked Minho. Changbin's hands moved to my waist, pulling me in closer, deepening the kiss. Was he trying to take the attention back to him so Minho wouldn't have to?

The boss laughed at the sight before him, patting Minho on the back. "Well, there goes your chance. I think someone in here wouldn't be too happy if I let him stop now," he snickered, actually enjoying the scene right in front of him. I knew it was all staged, the boss probably knew as well, and yet he watched happily as if it was live television. As one arm stayed around my waist for support, his free hand got tangled up in my hair, slightly pulling my face closer to his, our lips moving rhythmically against the other.

My eyes stayed closed as I tried my hardest to focus on my breathing. Distract myself from it all. Just for how long did we have to keep on going? If it continued like this, this afternoon would be extremely long. Too long if you asked me. "Changbin, pick her up," he was instructed, doing so almost instantly. His hands wrapped under my thighs, lifting me up as I wrapped my legs around his waist. My arms remained on his shoulders, this time to help him keep me up. "That's better," the boss hummed, nodding to himself. "What do you think, Minho? Already jealous, watching him have her?" After a moment of silence, the boss let out a sigh. "You really don't like to talk much, do you?" He luckily brushed it off, leaving Minho alone.

"Alright then. Changbin, lay her down on the bed," he commanded next, watching as Changbin gently laid me down. Without having to hear his, he hovered over me, his lips once again meeting mine. Probably stalling what we both knew would be coming. "I don't even have to say anything anymore, you're already doing it," the boss grinned, thankfully buying Changbin's eager act. The fix was only temporary, but even a few more seconds we could stall now were a bliss. I don't think neither of us were truly prepared for the things we had to do, even though we all knew it was coming sooner or later.

Just before the boss could say anything else, Jut stormed in, a panicked look on his face. Changbin stopped, all of us looking at him in anticipation. "Boss!" Jut nearly shouted, earning a death glare right away. "Can't you see we're busy?" he snarled at him, but Jut didn't care. "The men, they're-" he started, trying to catch his breath, still panting. "They're on a mutity, sir! They're all fighting amongst each other. Please, you have to stop them!" Rather than joining in Jut's panicked state, the boss simply let out a sigh. "Just when it was getting good," he groaned, calmly walking up to the door. "You stay with these three," he told Jut before getting out.

Changbin instantly got off me, yet keeping in front of me in a form of protection, yet as soon as I got up, I walked past him, right up to Jut. "I couldn't let you go through all that, I had to do something," Jut told me, a small proud smile forming. "I'll explain everything on the way out, for now we've got to hurry. It'll only be a matter of time before he realizes I'm the one who started it." Though Minho and Changbin were still quite shaken up, unsure of what to think, it didn't take long for them to understand we were being rescued right now.

This time, we were leaving with all of us.

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