72 ☠️

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Right: Minho, Changbin & Y/N

I honestly didn't know Minho would be this easy to talk to. Though I haven't exactly said much to either of them, Minho and Changbin had been chatting away like old friends, despite the fact that they hadn't talked to each other much before all this. Changbin had been kind enough to let me in on how the group was before during their training period. It wasn't all too much different than it was when we first got here especially. Chan had come up with the idea, and posted it on the site's forum. He already brought in Felix since they knew each other, Minho and Jisung joined at the same time, being brothers and all, hyunjin and Jeongin joining together as best friends, and both Seungmin and Changbin joined in on their own after seeing the post Chan had written.

Though some of them did bond more during their training, most pairs that came in stayed the same. I could definitely understand, as it's hard to step out of a comfort zone. And yet, seeing how easily Minho and Changbin were talking about literally anything, it made me wonder what would have happened if I had joined them already during their training period. Maybe Hyunjin wouldn't have hated me as much right from the start. Though truly, had I spent that much time together with Chan, who knew what would have happened. Maybe I wouldn't have joined this stupid game in the first place then. At least then I wouldn't have finally started caring about people again. This game was just bringing more misery to my life than I thought was even possible. Which was making the decision of keeping on going or just quitting this entirely even harder.

"...don't you agree, Y/N?" Changbin asked me, both pairs of eyes now fully focused on me. Oh God, I hadn't been paying attention to their chattering for at least half an hour now. "Yeah... for sure," I tried to convince them, only to find the two busting out in laughter. "And here I thought you weren't the type to get married to the first guy you see, but I feel flattered knowing I was the first out of us you met." My brows furrowed, trying to comprehend what was going on. Technically speaking it was Hyunjin who I made eyecontact with first, but that wasn't nearly the point.

"Changbin said if this was what life was like, he would have just gone off to marry the first girl he'd see and live happily ever after... he's just teasing you," Minho chuckled, earning a sign. "Now stop dozing off and join us, would you? You've been walking behind us in a slump for at least an hour now," he added, holding out his hand. Since when was Minho this open? And besides that, if Changbin truly thinks we met first, did that mean that he just said he'd marry me knowing the situation? No, Y/N. They're just getting into your head. I let out a sigh, taking a few extra steps to catch up to them, now walking in the middle of the two, keeping my hand to myself though.

"So, talk to me, how's life going?" he asked casually, like we weren't in a life or death game. I gave him a look before commenting. "You mean outside of this hellhole? Oh yeah totally great. I'm happily married, a stable job, two kids, couldn't be happier." Minho laughed, rolling his eyes. "I get your point, thank you missy sarcastic." My eyes widened a little by surprise. This didn't feel like the Minho I had got to know this past week or so. Even Changbin looked up from it, but he instead could barely hold in his laughter. "Since when are you such a smart ass?" Thankfully, now I didn't have to ask him about it.

"Who said I hadn't always been one?" he joked back, making Changbin snort. "Please, if anything you always seemed like the parent type of person, all you did was watch out for Jisung and that's practically all I know about you. And I've known you for months," Changbin himself just seemed to realise too. Minho let out a groan, allowing himself to fall back against a tree. "Which is exactly why I'm so glad to finally be out there again. I for once just want to focus on myself instead of constantly worrying about others. It's driving me insane." Was that why he seemed so eager to get away from Jisung?

"You know," Minho continued, "finish school, find a job I actually like, own my own place, get a cat or two, or maybe even three, maybe even a girlfriend, who knows. But I want to build my own life, not just throw mine away for the sake of others." Me and Changbin exchanged a glance before looking back at Minho. I could only guess his home situation wasn't as fortunate as most normal people were, as he seemed to be carrying all the burden. "But, I've got a duty to fulfil, even when or if we get out of here," he sighed, pushing himself back up.

"No," I blurted out, maybe a little too fast. "It's not your job or duty to make other's happy, or to take care of them. Sure, it's the kind thing to do, but if it's taking away from your experiences in life? Then be selfish for once. You deserve to be happy too don't you? So go get that degree, go find yourself a girlfriend, find your own happiness. I think if I learned anything here so far, that's what everyone here deserves." It was a shame I was never going to get mine, but he seemed to have all his dreams to still be achievable. He couldn't go and give up like I was doing. Both pairs of eyes were fixated on me, as both boys seemed unsure of what to say.

And yet, my eyes could only focus on those behind the two, holding their spears right at their backs.

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