21 ☠️

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At this point I was dragging my feet over the sand, still carefully carrying Seungmin with me. I was a sweating mess, occasionally taking sips of the water bottle me and Seungmin shared. Sharing one was easier than having two open. Besides the initial embarrassment of having to drink from the same bottle it wasn't too as much of a fuss as I thought it would be. It was too hot to even be bothered by it. We were definitely slowing down, meaning it would probably take even longer than we did on the way there. I couldn't help but wonder if anyone would worry when we didn't arrive back in time.

"If it's too much just put me down. I'll be fine," Seungmin insisted again, making me sigh. "I told you it's fine. Don't make it sound like I'm weak," I joked, continued to drag my feet over the sand. Well, until my feet failed me, making both me and Seungmin fall over. I hissed, unable to catch myself because I didn't want Seungmin to make an even worse fall. Luckily for me Seungmin did put out his hands, keeping one stretched, one on my forehead to prevent it from getting hurt.

"Are you okay?" Seungmin asked instantly as we landed, getting off of me without wasting a second, turning me around to pull me up. I winced in pain, as my left ankle was stinging. It overstretched during the fall as it got stuck in the sand. Seungmin crouched down, already looking at it. "Can you twist it for me?" he asked, putting my hand on his shoulder to lean on. It luckily seemed to go okay, but just with a little more pain. Seungmin sighed in relief, standing back up again.

"It's probably nothing too bad from what I can see, if it was broken you wouldn't have been able to twist it in the first place, or at least not without crying. You should let it rest though," he added, immediately getting into his role as medic. I had to admit, it was kind of cool to see. "I told you to put me down if it got too much... Come, I'll carry you back the last part." Before I could even refuse, he crouched back down in front of me, taking my arms and pulling them over his shoulders, picking me up. "But what about you? I'll be fine, I don't want you to be exhausted on the first day here already. I have pretty weak ankles, so I'm used to it. One night of sleep and it should be good again."

Seungmin didn't answer, refusing to put me down even if I tried to get off. "Start wiggling around so much and stay still you," he pretended to say sternly, unable to conceal his chuckle. I felt horrible though. "Maybe it would have been better if Chan or Changbin went with you after all," I muttered, making Seungmin stop abruptly. "And be pitied all the time? No, so you stop too you idiot. I thought we just went over this." I smiled, rolling my eyes. "Oh come on, I'd feel bad for anyone, not just you. Don't think you're so special because I worry," I teased, happy to be able to be so relaxed again around someone. It had been a while.

"Awh, what a shame. I was hoping I'd be a little more special to you than the others by now. We even indirectly kissed, doesn't that mean anything to you?" he teased back, making my cheeks flare up. "Ah, that's it. Put me down put me down." I said, lightly hitting his back. "Sorry, sorry," he laughed, lifting me up again. "Come on, I don't think it'll take too much longer," he added afyer quite some time had passed, looking up. The sun was already down for some time, so we must have indeed been slowed down.

"Seungmin, Y/N, where are you?" A distant voice called out. "Seungmin! Y/N!" another voice joined in. "Seungmin, they're looking for us," I told him, finally actually getting off his back when he was distracted. "We're here!" I yelled back as loudly as I could, taking Seungmin back on my back. "Just pretend I've been carrying you this entire time will you? I don't want them to scold me," I whispered to Seungmin quickly, before finally seeing Chan and Felix uphill in the distance. The both looked around, running up to us as soon as they spotted us. "Are you guys okay? We got worried sick," Chan asked instantly.

"We're fi-" Y/N hurt her ankle because she had been carrying me all the time, so we slowed down quite the bit. Sorry to make you worry," Seungmin interrupted me, earning a glare. So much for not making them worry. "It's fine though, it should be over tomorrow, I heal really fast," I now quickly added, trying to at least make them worry less. "Felix, do you think you can carry Seungmin? I'll carry Y/N," Chan asked Felix without another word, as Felix instantly agreed.

"You don't have to, I swear I'll be fine," I tried to argue with them, but it was quite clear they didn't take no for an answer. I couldn't help but feel quite more awkward again. I was lucky me and Seungmin seemed to be bonding a little as we were quite similar, but I still didn't feel quite as comfortable around the other's yet. Especially after overhearing what Chan said about me. "I can't have you hurt yourself more trying to prove whatever is it that you're trying to, we need you completely healthy okay?"

Like that we were quick to meet up with the rest, a lot faster now than before. "There you guys are!" Jeongin called up, his face slowly turning to worry. "What happened? Is everything okay?" Chan nodded for me. "It's all fine, she just sprained her ankle from what I heard from Seungmin." Chan, with all do respect, I can talk too you know. Well, that's what I wanted to say. If I actually said so out loud we probably would be even more uncomfortable and awkward.

"Anyways, let's focus on something else; let's go over all we discovered."

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