2 ☠️

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The tension in the room was horrible. Some were scared, others confident, some seemed to be filled with hatred. After Ellie had picked us, the other girls were dragged away by force, already furious enough to kill a person. Me and the guys were lead inside to a cramped room with only 5 small beds. "Tomorrow the real work will start, for now you guys just relax a bit, Y/N, you get to know them. After all, you'll spend quite some time with them, or at least I hope," she laughed. "You're quite the cutie, it'd be nice to have another girl survive this madness."

Ellie turned back to the other's, who were still having mixed feelings. "Take good care of her, I'll be back tomorrow at 5 in the morning to get you in your suits, be ready. Until then, you're free to roam around a bit, stretch your legs, though I suggest you get some more sleep while you can. Goodbye cuties," she ended with a wink, closing the door behind her.

Only then the guys seemed to relax a bit more, over the worst shock or excitement. One of the guys fell down on a bed, arms spread wide. "I can't believe we got in," he mumbled to himself. "Well, you better believe it," another chuckled next to him, slapping his chest to make the guy sit up again. Everyone seemed to get a bit more relaxed. Everyone but me.

"Y/N was it, right?" A voice suddenly asked. I instantly looked up, startled someone was even paying attention to me. I followed where the voice came from, seeing the guy who hugged me just earlier with a sweet smile. I nodded hesitantly, a small "yeah" leaving my lips. I could feel all the eyes on me, as if they were burning holes in my body. "Listen, I know it might be tough for you especially since you don't know anyone here, but you can lean on us when things get hard okay? I'll be sure to protect you," he chuckled, flexing his well-built muscles. I snickered. He seemed like a really funny person, I'm sure we'd get along pretty well.

One of the guys chopped the hug guy's head, trying his best not to laugh instead of cringe, but one of the guys just scoffed. "Bin, I'm pretty sure she knew damned well what she signed up for, why should we have to protect her? We're just as much at risk as she is here." The head-chopper glared at the taller guy. "Listen Hyunjin, I know the situation might not be ideal, but things can't be changed now. I'm sure she indeed is prepared for whatever happens, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't look out for each other."

Hyunjin simply scoffed once more, laying down on the bed and turning around. It was clear to see he didn't like me being here at all. Of course I understood things didn't go as planned, but it wasn't just for him. It was even harder for me, I had no idea who these guys were or what they were good at! Honestly, the least he could do was be nice.

"I'm sorry," muttered the head-chopper to me with an apologetic smile. I shook my head, giving him a smile back. For now I should at least try to get along with them as much as I could. "Also, Bin... was it? Thank you for what you said, the same goes for you! I might not be great in combat, but you can count on me too!" Bin looked up with a flushed face, making another guy laugh. "His name is Changbin, so Bin for short," he chuckled, lightly pushing the still flustered Changbin.

"Don't mind him, he's got zero experience when it comes to girls," the guy continued, earning a whine from Changbin. "Come on Lix, really?" Lix laughed. His voice was really low and with a heavy Australian accent, but he had a sweet and rather soft laugh. It was nice to hear. It somehow felt familiar, which was a good sign in a way. It made him look friendly already. The Lix guy looked back up at me, his laughter turning into a sweet smile, his eyes almost turning into cresent moons. "My name is Felix by the way, nice to meet you!"

"Since we're introducing ourselves, my name is Chan. Bang Chan, though Chris is also fine. Choose whichever you like," Chan said with a shrug. He too had an Australian accent, which probably explained the name Chris. Over here, it was Chan, but back there he probably got called Chris a lot. He pointed at the duo that was talking to each other earlier, the both already sitting on a bed and so far only paying attention to each other. "Those are Minho and Jisung, you'll probably see them together often."

The two glanced up upon hearing their names. "I'm Minho by the way," the guy with the chestnut hair clarified, making sure I knew who was who. Jisung didn't say anything, rather just sitting there with a grumpy pout. He didn't seem too enthusiastic for me being here either. Another guy groaned, throwing the book he was reading on the floor, startling me. "Can you all just cut the chit chat and be quiet? I'm trying to rest out for tomorrow. If you don't remember, we have to be up and running at 5. In the morning!"

He stared at us with cold eyes, finally picking up his book again as everyone had fallen quiet. The only yet unknown guy suddenly took my hand, walking up to the door. "Y/N and I are gonna try to get something to drink or eat, see you later!" he quickly announced, taking me with him outside back into the grey hallways we passed getting to this room.

"Finally, some room to breathe," he exclaimed, letting go of my hand and stretching his arms wide. I smiled, finally taking a deep breath as well. "I gotta say, you did come with the perfect timing, the atmosphere was seriously suffocating!" He turned back to me, nodding in agreement. "Seungmin is just grumpy because he wants to focus on tomorrow, just ignore him." So that guy's name was Seungmin.

"So, we have Hyunjin, Changbin, Felix, Chan, Minho, Jisung and Seungmin... leaving only you," I summed up, recalling all their names. The boy smiled brightly, almost looking even too innocent for a place like this. The lighting made a spark appear in his dark eyes, only enhancing the drowning effect of them even more. "I'm Jeongin, from now on your knight in shining armor. Nice to meet you!"

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