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Things couldn't get worse right now as the two of us laid in bed, the only thing on our underwear. Changbin had been laid on the couch against the wall, his eyes yet to open. All camera's were pointed at us, the only thing slightly in luck that the monitor's sound was broken, giving us the room to actually discuss our strategy. "Y/N," Minho whispered, "I can't do this. I don't want to die, but this is going too far. If I'm going to die anyways, I'm not going to spend my last hours on earth here doing something that will make me hate myself forever."

And yet here he was, hovering over me like I had instructed him quietly. "Don't worry," I replied in a hushed voice, "you won't actually have to. Trust me. At least not that far... that part I can probably fake, but we have to make them believe we're doing something if we want to stay alive long enough to get a plan to get you out of here." Minho looked as uncomfortable as possible, bringing his lips close to mine. "I hate to break it to you, but I have never even been with a girl. I don't know anything about this. I've never even had my first kiss yet," he admitted.

"I wish I hadn't either, trust me, but I don't see any other way out of here. Convincing them to delay this didn't work, and they were all too excited about the idea of watching whatever this would be to bring them off of it. I honestly don't know what to do otherwise either..." Minho sighed, closing his eyes. "Y/N, I am so, so sorry. I really hope if we make it out, you'll one day forgive me for this." I hummed, feeling him connect our lips. With the thin blanket covering our almost bare bodies, we would be able to fake at least the worst parts, but the parts outside of it couldn't, we quickly figured out, with a new camera at every corner.

My eyes closed, a single tear escaping. I honestly wasn't sure how I was going to get out of this one. I had scenarios for a lot, but this? This was the one thing I'd wished never happened ever again. "Y/N, do you have any idea on what to do to get out of here? Because I cannot think of anything," he muttered against my lips. I gave him a hum in disagreement, my mind only filled with the past. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," I whispered, more tears flowing down now.

Minho's hands cupped my face, his thumbs wiping away my tears in secrecy under the presence of it being a part of the intimacy. He leaned up again, his face right above mine. It wasn't hard to see he too was fighting back tears as he closed in again, his hot breath now on my neck, leaving a trail of butterfly kisses. I arched my back, throwing back my head to try to make it look like I was enjoying it, when in reality my mind was blank, only filled with memories I wished never happened.

"Y/N...? Minho?" Another voice spoke, my face instantly going towards Changbin. I didn't know whether to be glad or not that he was awake with this timing. "Changbin, listen to me," I tried to speak softly, forcing myself to look back at Minho, who had now been covered completely by the blanket. On the outside it looked like his head was now fully between my legs, and yet the only thing I felt was his hot breath as he tried his best to fake his actions. "I need you to stay there, and do nothing. It's not what it looks like, and if we don't we'll all get killed instantly. So please, just stay there and pretend you're not awake yet."

And yet there he was sitting already, straight up on the couch, his face a mixture of shock and pure rage. "There's camera's," I tried to warn him, which may have just been the only thing keeping Changbin from coming right up. "Minho, what the fuck are you doing right now?" he asked, trying his every best to stay composed, and yet his fingertips were digging into the couch like it was his lifelong nemesis. Minho carefully rose back from under the blankets, once more bringing his lips back to mine before whispering in my ear.

"I think it might be best to let him believe it, at least for now," he spoke, his face now forming a loving smile as he looked at me. "The less he knows, the less acting he has to do," he added softly, his hands pinning my wrists above my head, as he now took them over in one hand, holding them there while he brought his now free hand back to my face. "You don't think I know about your little crush on Y/N?" Minho actually shouted, loud enough for even the men to hear. "Sucks to be you though, you should have been there earlier. Now I have her, and there's nothing you can change about that."

He gave me one last peck, whispering at me to close my eyes as he pretended to position himself right above me. "Minho, what are you doing?" I muttered back, not even wanting to know what Changbin would do or think if he did truly believe it. "Creating drama for those guys. Maybe it'll help convince them to make things stay between the three of us for now," he answered back hopefully. And whereas Minho was still acting, Changbin was now fuming, still nailed to the couch, actually shouting back.

"Since when did you even care about Y/N? I swear, if you're using her just to get a rush out of it, I'll kill you with my own bare hands!" Minho's rhythmic hip movements were good enough to fake even Changbin, as he now threw Minho off completely, quickly throwing the blanket back over me without sparing me a glance. While Changbin was now already on top of Minho, his fist hitting Minho's face, the door flew open, the boss standing in the door opening with even more sparkles in his eyes then before.

"I sense competition! How wonderful, how truly wonderful! You know what, why don't we make a deal? Whichever one of you can satisfy Y/N best will be allowed to have her for one more night!"

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