25 ☠️

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"Everyone still doing okay?" Chan asked as he glanced back. Since he and Felix had gone there before, they were in charge of leading us there, both following the compass to make sure they'd get there. Normally it would be easy to to remember landmarks, but in this place that would be impossible. Well, unless someone knew how to tell apart each grain of sand. Not me at least. Felix and I hadn't talked since last night, let alone about what happened, but our glances we exchanged was enough to say yesterday probably wasn't going to be the only time we fooled the audience. If this little got us this many donations, we'd give them what they liked. Fake however, but they wouldn't know.

Since Felix was leading up front however, Seungmin and I were walking closer to the back, with Changbin soon behind us to ensure nothing would go wrong if we were attacked from behind. It felt a little like those overprotective boyfriends you'd see on the street, walking on the road side to keep the partner from possibly getting hurt. Those you'd see in dramas, that make you wonder if guys like that actually exist in this world. Seungmin still refused to just be carried, even though it was quite clear he was still worn out. It must have really taken a lot of his strength to carry me yesterday.

"Hey, Y/N," Jeongin noted, turning his head back while continuing to walk besides Hyunjin, who was still clinging onto his arm. "How's your ankle? Are you sure it's fine?" he asked innocently. I couldn't help but smile somehow, he for some reason just readiated such cuteness for some reason. He was barely any younger than I was, but for some reason he had the innocence of a little kid. And yet here he was. "I'm fine, really. I'm used to it anyways, so no worries. How about your head? Especially since you still have the bandage on," I continued to ask, finding myself worrying about him too.

Almost as if on cue, he took off the bandage, wrapping it up and putting it in Hyunjin's backpack, which was probably easier than getting his own off his back. "See, I'm totally fine!" he beamed, though the wound was still clearly visible, and quite badly. The bleeding did stop, but it didn't look good at all. But well, judging from what I could tell about him, he was just as stubborn as I was in that part. I gave Hyunjin a side eye to his backpack, back to his head. Maybe we didn't get along, but if it was for Jeongin I was quite sure he'd do everything possible to protect him.

Hyunjin caught on quickly, taking it out again, trying to once more wrap it around Jeongin's head. "It'll get infected otherwise, I can't have you get in danger here," Hyunjin whined, though Jeongin still protested. Seungmin chuckled, picking up his pace a little to help Hyunjin out, who was definitely struggling, leaving me and Changbin in the back. My mind went back to the night before in the bunker.

"I quite like her though."

For some reason, Changbin seemed to notice more about me and care more for me than anyone had done so far. Well, besides the sweet grandma from the shop, but I don't think anyone will ever be as great a person as she is. Still, I kept contemplating on what to say to Changbin. It didn't feel natural at all to have someone look out for you, so for some reason it felt more awkward than being disliked. Still, I felt like I had to do or say something to express my gratitude.

"Thanks," I muttered after a minute of building up the courage to say anything. Changbin turned to me, smiling through his confusion. "You're welcome I think, but what for?" he asked laughingly. "Just..." I tried to come up with the right words, but my brain just froze. "Because." Just because. What a great answer Y/N. He's definitely going to understand you now. Though Changbin put out his hand, reaching for the top of my head, he pulled away again, giving me a heartfelt smile instead, not asking any further, but simply enjoying it.

As if the original uncomfortable aura disappeared, the conversation naturally flared up between us again, like we had been friends for years. "Are you and Chan okay though, by the way?" I asked after some time. "You didn't seem too happy about yesterday's decision I mean," I further clarified. Changbin shrugged, but there was an unhidable hint of annoyance in his gaze. "It's nothing, really. Just because Chan didn't listen to what I thought was best doesn't mean I dislike him or am angry or anything," he laughed it off. "Thanks for asking though," he added soon after, as the conversation turned into a peaceful quiet walk.

And so we kept on walking for an hour or two. Changbin eventually started carrying Seungmin, who was soon again without any energy left, though a lot sooner than yesterday, until we all got to an abrupt halt from Chan and Felix, who were both pointing further away into the desert. Though I had to blink a couple of times to finally get a clear look, my eyes really weren't deceiving me.

There really was a person there.

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