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As Chan closed the door behind him, they were only greeted by two more doors, another note hanging on the wall; go in in pairs. Nothing more, nothing less. None of them even had to ask who would team up with who. Chan with Felix, and Minho with Jisung. Even though it might have been a better fit to put Chan with Jisung to help him wherever needed, as long as there was a possibility of Jisung sticking with Minho, it was to happen. Jisung automatically walked up to the right door, Minho following him. "Guess we'll take this one," he told the other two, giving them a small smile, and one last pat on the back for the both of them. "Careful out there guys. See you on the other side."

Chan smiled back at him, going towards the left door. "You too be careful out there." He shifted his gaze to Jisung, meeting his glassy eyes. "Jisung, don't just rely on Minho, okay? You too have been training a lot, so don't think you need to hide behind him. Help him instead wherever you can okay?" Jisung solely let out a hum, still in a state of shock after his earlier incident. Chan could only hope his words got through even a little, but what else could he do. If he wasn't going to be there physically to help, this was all he could think of to help. He had faith in Minho for sure, but though Jisung too had been training, if he kept relying on Minho it would definitely be a lot harder for the both of them, no matter what was behind this door.

Jisung opened the door, Minho following right behind him, quick to close the door again. "How about you, Lix? You ready?" Felix, who had been quite quiet so far, finally smiled. "Of course. We'll ace this, just like the old days, am I right?" Chan smiled, seeing his childhood friend in higher spirits again. Even if it wasn't always meant, it was better than the memories of him crying and shaking all the time. He remembered those days like they were yesterday, especially that one fated night. Chan swore that night, as he held Felix in his arms, to never, ever, let Felix go through life alone, and always help him, no matter what. Even if it meant covering up a murder. Back then, and now still. As long as he could keep him alive and happy.


Minho and Jisung

A game? They knew they were in one, but neither of them expected to find themselves in an actual game. While the explanation was still right in front of them, laying on the table, it wasn't hard to spot the familiar lay-out of one of their favorite childhood games on their left; the one that had bonded them together when they still barely knew each other. "Is this like... a live version of super Mario?" Jisung was the first to speak, looking at the world built behind the glass panel, deviding the back room with this one, which had nothing but a control panel in it, besides the table and letter of explanation. "Seems like it," Minho answered, reaching to grab the paper from the table, while Jisung was still glancing around. It was incredibly well built, and given the tunnel like hole on the end of the area behind the glass they could see so far, it was safe to say there was a lot more than they could see so far.

"From what I could see here," Minho started, pointing at the very starting point behind the glass, showing what seems to be a suit made out of belts to secure your body in, like those used when you go mountain climbing, "one of us has to be in there, while the other has to control it." Minho glanced up, seeing the belt attached to a wire on the ceiling, highly likely to rotate together with the rest of the scenery. "So the person behind the control panel controls what the person stuck in there does," Jisung concluded, earning a hum in agreement from Minho. "The rest on here doesn't say anything else special. Just that you can't get out before you've completed the level, you'll get a key at the end to open the door, and otherwise you'd stay stuck," Minho shrugged, quickly folding the paper, putting it in his back pocket.

"You're good at this game right? I want you to control the panels. Besides, those straps could really hurt your back," Minho quickly concluded, already walking up to the glass door on the total left of the glass. "Can you help me with all of these? It looks like a hassle to get into," he followed up, opening the door, while Jisung was still processing it all. He shook his head slightly, hurrying up to his older brother. "Yeah, sure." The both of them entered, indeed looking at the far back to see if they can already spot what's ahead, but with nothing but darkness at the end it was hard to know what to expect.

"Ah, not that tight," Minho whined, rubbing on his thigh. "Sorry," Jisung muttered, loosening it a little. Just about every inch of Minho's body was covered, in one way or another, even his fingers attached to wires to control it all. Minho truly had no say or do in this, and had just had to rely on what Jisung did. He had faith in him though, Jisung barely did anything but game his entire childhood. It helped with the nerves when his family had another falling out, he heard from his parent. He chuckled, watching Jisung walk up to the control panel after one receiving one last tight hug. And even if Jisung failed, it was alright. Minho purposely hid it so far, because he knew Jisung would just object to it, but knowing that only the person all strapped up would die if the player failed was enough reason for Minho to know it would be fine.

At least he knew for sure Jisung would make it out alive this way.

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