22 ☠️

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"So, we've got a storm coming from the south, and a person on the east?" Chan concluded, still leaving me quite speechless. Seungmin and I hadn't found anything, so I didn't quite expect anyone else to find something so important already. "I think that sums it up yeah," Changbin answered. Most of us were just listening, trying to figure out what was best. "Have you guys already checked the person out? Seen anything out of the ordinary?" I asked, trying to get a better overview of everything. My head was still a bit clouded by it all, and I definitely still felt a bit awkward around the guys.

"Not yet," Chan responded, "Felix thought it would be best to go together to make sure we were all there to reach a decision or get through whatever it is we're about to face." Definitely a smart move. If it is going to be dangerous, it's best to stick together rather than to stay split up. "What do you guys think? Should we get some sleep before checking it all out, or should we go now?" Chan asked everyone, probably trying to get some more input after last time.

"I think we'd best go now," Changbin instantly said. "That storm didn't look like it was going to die down, and frankly I think over time it's gonna get a lot worse. If that person is our way out it's best to get it over quickly." Minho however was soon to disagree. "Both Y/N and Seungmin should be able to rest out. Even if Y/N indeed heals miraculously fast, we can't keep carrying two people all night, we have to save our energy too in case of an actual emergency. I don't know how far that storm is, but it's not like we're in immediate danger right now from what I heard."

"Seungmin? Y/N?" Chan shifted all eyes to us. "I don't think asking them is very smart in that sense, I don't know them all that well, but I'm pretty sure they're the types to actually tell someone when they need rest, but rather push themselves until they no longer can," Jeongin joined in. He was right, most definitely, but he didn't have to call me out like that.

Chan let out a sigh, a moment in which it was quite visible why he didn't like giving the control away. "Hyunjin, in your opinion, how bad was the storm, and which direction was it going in?" Hyunjin peeked up upon the mention of his name, so far not really being engaged in the discussion. "Honestly? I don't think it was that bad yet. I'm not an expert in sandstorms, but it seemed like it was still forming. I couldn't really get a good view on where it was going though, we all went back pretty soon."

Chan hummed, seeming to have reached a decision. "Then we're resting for tonight. I agree with Minho, if we can rest out, we definitely should. While the temperatures are around 40 degrees celcius at day, it can freeze at night, so I'd rather sleep through that if we can. Y/N and Seungmin could get the rest they need to recover, and we should have more energy in the morning. Besides..." He paused for a second, checking the rations. "We still have quite some left, but we have no idea how long we're stuck here for. We need to save as much as we can."

Though Changbin definitely didn't seem to agree, everyone settled down, taking everything we could to keep ourselves warm, including a fire made from the matches and some of the fabric we had left. It wasn't much, but everything we could get was welcome. The rest of the fabric we used to cover ourselves with, as everyone was slowly settling in. My stomach rumbled, but we decided to wait with eating until tomorrow morning again. We really needed to slow things down for now.

Luckily for us tonight, Chan and Felix offered to stay awake. Chan would stay up late, as he always had trouble falling asleep, and when he really felt like he wouldn't make it anymore, he'd wake up Felix, who would take over from him after. Just in case, because since the last room all of us had become a lot more warier than we were before.

"Ehem, is this working? Yes? That's perfect," a familiar voice suddenly called out, making everyone shoot up. Sir. "Congratulations everyone, I see you all made it through the first day. How exciting. It surely was... interesting, to see and hear all of you on your away mission so far." From the corner of my eye I could see Felix instantly look at Chan, all of the color in his face washed away in panic. Did something happen we didn't know of? Judging from the both of their uneasy expressions, I'd definitely say so, but it probably wasn't something I was going to get to know.

"Anyways, I am not just here to congratulate you. I am here to give you an update," Sir continued with. "As you all know, for this year's edition we have decided to broadcast the game, and the viewers are absolutely loving it," he answered with a remarkable excitement in his voice. "Wait, wait, let me read you some of the comments. Let me see..."


'I absolutely cannot believe the conversation between Chan and Felix. He seemed so adorable, I never would have guessed. And to think that only makes him more attractive. If he makes it out alive I definitely volunteer to be his girlfriend.'

'Have you all seen the moment between Seungmin and Y/N? If those two don't make it out as a couple I'm personally blackmailing every one of them.'

'No no, Y/N and Jeongin would definitely be the cutest together, have you seen how he keeps glancing at her? He totally likes her!'

I couldn't help but look up at Jeongin, seeing him instantly turn away. How could anyone watching this be worried about things like romance?

'I am so glad I tuned in for this, I'm absolutely obsessed with it. Can't wait to see if they'll survive.'

'Hyunjin is so wrong for disliking Y/N, she saved his life twice already. If he's doesn't change his behavior towards her, I hope he's the first one to go.


"I'm sure you get the gist of what the viewers think, a lot of different opinions, but all- no, most of them rooting for you guys. And since there are so many people rooting for you..." The sound of a drum ruffle sounded through the speakers. "We have decided to send out things we think can help you with your journey. For every 1 million won donated, you will be sent objects like food, fitting clothes or even tools you can use on your journey. And the donation will be possible... now! That will be all for now. We will display the number of donations right above your heads from now on, so be sure to keep track if you are in need. And don't forget to appeal to the viewers to get more money!"

And just like he said, right above our heads, high up in the sky, appeared two digital displays, one for the amount of donations, and one for the immediate endless stream of comments flooding the sky.

"Sir, over and out."

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