42 ☠️

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South-West: Felix & Jeongin

"How's your head doing by the way?" Felix continued the conversation. The past half hour had been filled with meaningless chatter, yet it was better than a silence. Though Felix didn't particularly mind it, Jeongin hated the silence. It made him feel lonely, as so far it had never been something he had to deal with. His endearing personality made him someone who had always been surrounded by others, so he never really experienced silence. The only times he did were during the night, which is why he was so set on sleeping during it. He wasn't one to play games all night long or study, he just wanted it to be over as soon as possible.

"It's a lot better already! I'm pretty sure I just had a concussion from the blast of the explosion in the first area. I probably just need some more time, but I'm sure I'll be fine soon," Jeongin replied cheerfully. He had never be one to think pessimistically. Where there was a way, there was hope. And if there was hope, why sulk? It wouldn't solve anything anyways. So far it led him through just about anything in life, but this place was truly becoming challenging for him. He was starting to lose his cool again from time to time, something he swore to never do again.

"Still, don't push yourself too hard. You were nagging about it to Seungmin and Y/N, but you too okay? You'll be able to do your thing soon enough, so don't press it." Jeongin looked down slightly, trying his best not to give in but keep his cheerful appearance. "How about you, aren't you tired? You've been carrying Y/N all this time now. Shouldn't you rest too? We're all here to help," Jeongin tried to shift the attention away from himself. Felix just shook his head, drinking some more of the water bottle he had in his hand. It was simple, but affective when it came to distracting someone. "No worries, I'm used to carrying others already. I'm fine!"

The two continued walking, the awkward atmosphere only agitating the both of them. Even the meaningless chatter had died down. They could both feel it, the tension that had slowly risen between them, just at the mention of Felix being so close to Y/N, but neither of them were going to give in to any of it. While Jeongin was trying to figure out just what exactly was going on between Felix and Y/N, since he too wasn't a fool, Felix was desperately trying to hide it. Felix himself too knew the others were onto him, they just didn't know what he was planning. And he was planning on keeping it that way exactly. It was probably for the better they'd just believe Felix had a crush on Y/N. But then again, could he even say they were wrong?

Truly his plan was to use Y/N for donations at first, but could he truly say he didn't feel strange when she held onto him like that? Or when she seemed to have fallen asleep in his arms? The thrill of the sneaking around hadn't only gotten the viewers caught up in their little lie, even Felix himself was starting to be caught in her spider web. She barely did anything, and yet he couldn't help but keep his every attention on her. It started off as a simple trick to get more objects, he knew a lot of people were going wild with just the thought of a boy and a girl alone, let alone have them actually seem to be together in secret, and yet even he was starting to wish for it.

Was it truly that enticing? The idea of love? As someone who never truly received it, he thought he was immune to it, but was even the idea of it now enough to already get him to fall into a trap? He knew he shouldn't get in any further, that he most definitely should get out while he still could, and yet just the idea of letting her go was already enough to shake him up. Just seeing her together with the others was enough to stir up jealousy at this point, especially seeing her held by the others so easily and carelessly, or even worse, with just the intentions of being closer to her. Maybe the jealousy was getting to his head, but he could only think the worst of it all. Especially after remembering the one comment about Jeongin definitely liking Y/N. Were they about to become rivals?

"Still nothing, right?" Jeongin finally asked, stopping to take a little break. They'd been going on for at least two and a half hours now, it was frankly getting exhausting. Jeongin could only hope Chan had calmed down and was able to get to reason now. He didn't know exactly why Chan had gotten so worked up, but Jeongin was sure that this plan wasn't going to work. "Not that I can see no," Felix sighed. "Should we just head back?" he continued, looking up. The starts were still shining brightly, and frankly the both of them were starting to become quite tired. "Sounds like a plan to me. Hopefully we can finally get some sleep after we all met up again."

Felix chuckled, already seeing Jeongin yawn. "I couldn't agree more," he answered, letting out a yawn himself too. His father really was right when he said yawning was contagious. One of the very few truths he told in his life. The air seemed to slowly clear up again between them, Jeongin now once more starting the small talk. The two of them weren't exactly close to each other, but putting some of their suspicions aside, they could at least be friendly with each other. The both had their differences, but overall they usually were the two sunshines and lifebringers of the group.

They weren't going to let some suspicions get in the way of that facade.

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