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*trigger warning: mention of rape*

No matter how much I wanted to scream, any word spoken meant another punch in the stomach. I had learned that fast enough. And yet, no matter how many times he got hit, Changbin wouldn't stop threatening them. And not even for them to let himself go. No, he was threatening them for me. "If you even think of touching her, I swear I'll kill you!" was the last thing he yelled before he got knocked unconscious. I didn't even know if I wanted to tell him to stop being such an idiot for obviously getting himself hurt even more, or almost cry out because for the first time ever, someone was defending me in that area instead of using me.

Unfortunately, we all couldn't. All tied up, wrists and feet wrapped around a large pole, each one being carried away by two men to who knows where. All around us, there were at least a dozen more of them, all dressed up, or rather dressed down, barely wearing anything but a lioncloth, all holding spears. Not even together with the entire group would we have enough manpower to beat them the old-fashioned way. These men all looked rugged, like they had spent years training their bodies. Some were on the larger side, some more lean, but all they had in common, was this insane glow in their eyes. None of them had said a word, and I was still trying to figure out whether they actually even understood a word we, no, Changbin had been saying. The only thing stopping me from panicking completely was Changbin's chest still rising and falling.

But that didn't stop my mind from racing. We needed out of here. Would the others be okay? Where were they taking us? Were there more of them? Could I use the gun? Talk my way out of here? I couldn't think of anything so far, and that was probably the worst. I couldn't even care too much about myself, but these guys deserved to live. Even if it was too late for mine, it wasn't too late for their happy ending. If there was anything I could do to help these two, I would do it. No matter what it cost. In just one week, my life had turned upside down so much, that I honestly felt like it was enough. And the entire group was to thank for that. I had experienced laughter, caring, even love. What more could I possibly get out of the real world than I had experienced in here?

My back fell down harshly, my eyes darting around. I could finally see a large hut in front of us, made out of simple wood and bamboo. My feet were untied, my arms gripped firmly to lift me up, forcing me to walk inside with them. My gaze shifted to Changbin and Minho in front of me. Minho had been quiet the whole time, not doing anything to go against them, whereas Changbin was still being carried inside, the three of us lead to a specific room. All of the other men stayed outside, as only six of them took us in, and even them stopping in their tracks as they reached the door. Changbin was laid down with a heavy thud, and immediately after we were held at spearpoint again, the only possible way to go was through that door. Whatever was behind it, it was what fate had prepared for us.

"We have arrived, boss. We found three of them," one of the men finally spoke. At least they understood Korean, good. That meant that just maybe there was some way to talk some sense into these guys. "Bring them in," spoke a heavy voice. The doors opened from the inside, as we were instantly greeted by three more faces. Two men that opened the doors, along with one person sitting in a chair, a large smirk on his face. "You have no idea how long I've been waiting for you," he grinned. I tried to contain my facial expressions, hoping not to make my disgust too visible. Whatever he was planning on doing, I could only think of the worst.

"I'm so glad you're here Y/N," he called out, making my eyes widen. He knew my name? How? "You have been nothing but amazing so far, and I am quite frankly impressed," he kept on going, only making my disgust for him worsen, already anticipating his next move. "You know, my contract stated that I'm supposed to kill you guys, but it doesn't state when. Or how, even. For all I know, I'm allowed to have as much fun with you as I possibly can. Maybe even reward this team, consider this a team building activity." His eyes scanned Minho, as well as Changbin, who was still laying unconsciously on the ground. "You two however I'm not sure what to do with. Maybe I'll figure out something fun for you two, otherwise I'll probably just get rid of you instantly."

No, no, no. Not again. Tears were slowly welling up, my mind going right back to home. My body could barely handle what they did to me with just the two of them, given how many people were here... I couldn't even imagine. It was going to hurt, to be sickening, and maybe even my last straw. Please, don't let me go through this again. The tears were now streaming down silently, my expression a mixture between the blank face I was trying to keep, and the blatant fright on my face. They weren't going to get the money anyways, maybe it would be best if I could just get to the end of this game early.

The man's smile suddenly grew even wider, his eyes glowing as he looked at Minho and Changbin. Usually nothing good. Though Minho hadn't said a word, it was clear he too was terrified. He too probably thought we were done for. The boss stood up from his chair, walking over to us, leaning right up to Minho's face, only a few inches away.

"You give us a preview on things we can do to Y/N! You're having sex with her!"

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