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Though it took a few seconds to get through to her, she suddenly bursted out in laughter, even wiping away a fake tear for the extra effect. "Me? Wanting to be that loser's girlfriend? Are you delusional?" I glanced back at her, letting out a chuckle. "I know you've been living in your grave for a while, but honey, you're far outdated. Ever since Hyunjin got to the three of you, he's become the most popular guy of the country. He's been on television, tabloids, radio, news, you name it. These days I have to hit the girls away from him," I chuckled, hoping that Hyunjin would catch on already.

"Him?" She asked cautiously, taking a good look at him. "Yeah, duh. They're calling him the killer of hearts now, the double meaning to it and all. Isn't it hilarious? It's a good thing he's this handsome, where else do you think he's got his popularity from?" Da-hye took a good glance at him, rolling his eyes. "I guess he could pass as good looking, yes, but I'm sure he's nowhere near as popular as I am! Do you really think he'd be anywhere near my level?" I let out a lighthearted laugh, cupping Hyunjin's cheeks for Da-hye to see. "You're right, he's currently nowhere near your level." Before she could grin, I did so for her. "He's currently far above yours, so really, he'd be too good for you."

Her grin turned into a grimace, glaring at me like I was her worst enemy. "And what are you acting all high and mighty for? Just because you're his girlfriend? Don't forget that he loved me first. If anyone here would be perfect for him, it'd be me, rather than you!" The two boys by her side were finally looking at her in dismay, meaning my plan was starting to work. "I think you're forgetting that 'loved' is in the past tense, sweetheart. You're irrelevant these days. Nobody talks about you anymore. You're just a girl who peeked in high school, while his life only just started. As for me? I'm the one that was there for him when he needed, rather than use him as a slave."

"I could treat him far better than you could!" she spat out, clearly letting all of the negativity get to her. Just like I thought, she liked everything that could make her popular. Before, she had it all, now she's trying desperately to gain it back. It's funny how something so small can get her so worked up, and all for nothing! She's not even real. "Da-hye, what are you talking about?" one of the boys whispered to her, still unsure whether to be confused or annoyed. "Shut up, will you? I don't need you anymore," she groaned, not even sparing him a glance as she kept her eyes focused on Hyunjin.

"Say, honey, why don't we forget about all that happened? Let's build up our lives together again." She slowly approached him, paying me no attention as she pushed me aside, playing with her hair. "After all, you still love me right?" Though falling right on my butt wasn't exactly part of the plan, watching her get pulled back by the guy that so far did all the talking made it quite alright that I was sitting down. I could just simply watch the show. Playing with people's hearts seemed to be quite easy and entertaining after all. "Da-hye, have you gone mad? Having to share you with Hajoon was already annoying enough, but you're not seriously casting me aside over some loser that's gained a bit of popularity?"

"Casting you aside? I'd have to care about you to do that," she argued back, finally looking him in the eyes before turning back to Hyunjin. "Don't worry about those two. They were just my little pawns who did everything for me. I can get rid of them just as easily when we're together," she continued to Hyunjin, who still hadn't said a word. I wasn't sure whether he was truly taking everything in with how quiet and calm he seemed, but maybe it was his silence that was driving her mad. "Come on Changmin, let it go," Hajoon told what seemed like his friend, and yet Changmin shook his head. "No, it's not fair! She said she loved me! She was supposed to love me!"

Changmin grabbed Da-hye by the collar, pulling her up, making her desperately grasp for air as she held onto his hands. "Isn't it funny how the roles are reversed now? At least before Hyunjin killed you we did all we could to save you, and now look, your newly favorite boytoy is just watching, letting it all happen!" Da-hye was panting, squirming as she tried to get out of his grip. "Chang...min... please... I love you..." she choked. "Oh, what a two faced bitch you are! As soon as someone is more of use to you, you instantly turn to them!" Hajoon, who so far had been just watching, now pulled on Changmin's shoulder, at least forcing Changmin to put her down.

"Are you serious man? Everyone knew that already, and yet we're still here because it's better to be with her like this than to not be with her at all! So get over it, and let her go!" Hajoon bursted out, hitting Changmin in the face. "That doesn't mean she gets to whore around whenever she likes and cast us away like we're nothing!! Changmin finally let go of Da-hye to give Hajoon a harsh shove, who stumbled backwards. "And you, bitch, don't you dare leave!" Changmin growled, fully throwing his arm back in order to grab Da-hye as he turned around. But maybe, he'd used a bit too much force, and too little accuracy to his seemingly malfunctioning robotic hand.

Maybe that's why Da-hye's robot's body was now on the ground, with her iron heart still in Changmin's hands.

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