23 ☠️

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My eyes fluttered open as a wave of sand hit my face. I immediate sat up straight, wiping the sand off my lips, looking around frantically. Thank goodness, there wasn't a sandstorm yet in sight. The wind must have just picked up. The sun was only just rising, or well, made to look like it with whatever techniques they were using, but it gave a beautiful sight. My eyes met Felix's, who gave me a questioning look. "You okay?" he whispered, a little concerned. I gave him a reassuring nod, blinking a couple of times to get adjusted to to the light.

The fire had seemed to go out overnight, but so far the temperature didn't look too bad. It was a bit cold for sure, but nothing I couldn't handle. "Just got startled by the sand on my face," I whispered back. It was quite the relief to see all was still good. After our last night in a zone I honestly wasn't too sure about it. Sir said there'd be no time limits, but after a certain amount of time, I could only imagine they would make the survival conditions worse, think of the sandstorm coming. It probably gave us a delusion of having all the time in the world, only to limit it in other ways. Sneaky, but smart on their end.

"Why don't you get some more sleep Felix? I don't think I'll be able to sleep anymore anyways, so I'll keep track," I offered him, still in a hushed tone. Everyone looked so peaceful sleeping. Well, expect for Jisung, who seemed to be tossing and turning in his sleep. Poor guy. Felix shook his head, laying back down however. "Nah, I'll stay up. Don't think I can sleep either." I couldn't help but think back about his panicked expression earlier yesterday. I was quite sure it had to do with whatever that was about, but I wasn't going to pry. Felix seemed to be normally quite nice, but last time I even as much as tried to bring something along the lines up he closed off immediately, and right now that was the last thing I wanted.

I decided to join him, laying back down on my back, looking at the statistics showing above our heads. All comments were in Korean, making me realize that this was probably only broadcasted here. Not too weird, it was probably banned everywhere else. Yet still, comments and donations were flooding in, even at this early hour. Or at least, that was if the time in here indeed was in sync with our normal clock. Seemed like it though. I couldn't help but let curiosity win, reading some more comments.

'Do you think they would do requests for donations? I would pay thousands of won to see Y/N take some things off.'

'It would definitely be smart for them. After all, they can survive because of us. It almost feels like they're little puppets in our hands.'

'I'd definitely pay up to see some more action between them if you get what I mean. Would be worth every penny.'

'^ how about having Y/N and Felix sneak around without waking the other members. The thrill of it would literally be the death of me!'

I rolled my eyes, closing them again. It was most definitely disgusting what some of these people were thinking, but in a way they had a point. Taking on requests that weren't too much could definitely help us along the way. I groaned, unable to believe I was actually taking it into consideration. I knew desperation could do a lot of things to someone, but kept on surprising me how much I was actually willing to do to survive. Especially thinking back about home...

"You will never leave me right?"
"Come on you little baby, just be a good girl for me okay?"
"Really? Him again? I told you I could make you feel better than he did."
"I'm so sorry Y/N... I'm so sorry for bringing you into this family."

I shook the thoughts away, not even knowing I let out a deep sigh. "You're reading them too aren't you?" Felix's deep whisper rang through my ears. "Yeah..." was all I could get out. "We're almost at one million already... people are probably generous now since it's the first 24 hours. I'm gonna guess it'll be a lot harder to get as much as fast as we did now." I hummed in agreement. "Probably yeah... it almost makes me consider some of these, stupid isn't it?" He disagreed though. "I was thinking the same actually..."

I leaned up a little, seeing Felix look up at the comments. "Say... you guys are going to keep your word aren't you?" he asked the viewers, standing up. He came closer, sitting down right next to me. "What are you..." I whispered, feeling panic arise more and more the closer he came. "Don't worry, I won't do anything too much. I'll just make it look like it," he muttered as quietly as he could. He placed the blanket made out of his fabric over the both of us, leaning closer with one hand under the cover, his other now under my head. Though he didn't touch me anywhere else but holding my head comfortably, I had to admit he was extremely close, probably indeed making it look like more was going on.

I arched my back a little, following Felix's act, glancing up at the donations coming in even faster than before. It was actually working. Felix must have noticed it too, cuz he wore a smug smirk on his face. "You're good at this," he whispered in my ear, referring to my acting skills. If the viewers heard it, which I wasn't sure of, they would most definitely think it referred to something else.

The thing that actually made me freeze though was when he stopped, instead putting his arm around me over the blanket, laying back down. "I'm taking you up on that offer to stay awake after all," he muttered, letting out a yawn.

"Maybe like this I'll finally get a good night sleep again."

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