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Chan, Hyunjin and Y/N

"Y/N?" Chan's voice called out, his figure appearing just as I put the piece of paper I was holding in my backpocket. "Found anything?" he asked, a frown forming as he saw me sitting behind one of the desks. I shook my head, getting up. "Nothing, just... I think this place might be built to look like my old school. It even has my desk with the exact writing on it as it had out there..." Chan came up, Hyunjin soon following. Whereas Hyunjin stopped by my side, helping me up quietly, Chan went onto the chalkboard, his focus on it completely.

"Y/N... if this is your old classroom, then do you know what this is?" he asked, his eyes finally meeting mine, piercing through them. I looked past him, my eyes falling on the smudged out chalk that had written a message on the board in huge, capital letters;


I shiver sent down my spine as I instinctively set a step back. "I haven't got a clue, but it sounds creepy," I said, bringing my eyes back to Chan. "Are you sure? If there's anything you know that could help us..." he pried again, but I stood my ground. "I really don't know, sorry." Chan's eyes stared into my own for a few seconds more before finally breaking eyecontact with a long sigh. "Then let's get out of here. The faster we're out of this zone the better. I'm getting the feeling there aren't many left with how long we've been in here already. Y/N, if this truly is like your school, we could really use your help with this. I can trust you with that, right?" I gave him a nod, starting to walk out of the room, turning back at the door. "Of course. You can trust me."

He seemed to shrug whatever he was thinking off, following right behind me and Hyunjin as we continued to the next floor. "Is it just me or is the lighting even worse than the floor up there?" I asked, starting to notice an uneasy feeling growing on me. "Nah, it seems the case yeah," Hyunjin answered, his hand on my lower back to reassure me. Maybe it was because Changbin and Jeongin weren't here, but he seemed to have opened up at least a little more again. My mind went back to last night, glad to see that at least part of his worries seemed to have been relieved. He looked more... human again, somehow. He'd been so quiet and seemingly unaffected, I think yesterday may have been a reality check for me too that he wasn't all emotionless. He'd just been trying to shut it all out.

"You'd say the staircases lead all the way down, but from the looks of it that's not the case?" Chan asked, seeing as the staircase only lead to one floor down. "It's weird, isn't it? They always made us go from side to side, saying it was for a more streamlined and easy way to get students from place to place. I don't think it helped anything at all but train our legs, but we just had to accept our fates I guess." Chan hummed. "Guess they really built your school then, didn't they? Isn't that a little weird, like they knew you?" I looked back at him, shrugging. "Maybe they did a backlog on everyone? I'm not sure either, but I guess it's kind of creepy yeah." The conversation was quick to die down again, a bit of an awkward tension arising. Something seemed to be troubling Chan for sure, but I learned not to question it.

"Let's just get this over with again quickly. I'm getting the feeling that the longer we're in here and further we get, the more difficult it'll be," Hyunjin hummed, something he was likely right about. "I wonder how Changbin and Jeongin are doing..." I questioned, deciding to let it rest as I saw their sour faces simply upon mentioning their names. "Just let it rest, they made their own decision, so I'm sure they'll live by it. If they wanted our help they could have gone with us," Chan cut it shortly, seemingly getting more agitated. Maybe the stress was getting to him, because he definitely didn't seem like the confident, caring and open person anymore he was when we first started. Not that I could blame him, this place messed all of us up. "I'm sure they're fine," Hyunjin whispered, trying to reassure me before reaching the next floor.

If this was truly what I believed it to be, there should be five floors total. The lower you were in rank of floors, the smarter you were deemed to be. The top floor was deemed as stupid, outsiders, or low ranked people. At the total bottom were the top students, geniuses, or simply those who's parents had a lot of money. They always said those who were already 'gifted' shouldn't have to put in effort to get where they needed. It was messed up, but nothing in this world surprised me anymore. "I'll see you guys in a bit again, don't forget to call when you need help," Chan said, opening the door to the first room already, going in without saying much else. "Is he okay?" I whispered to Hyunjin, who simply shrugged. "I'm sure he's still agitated because things aren't going his way," he answered, already going to the next room.

Though not much was found in the first few rooms, we had finally reached the last two. While I was just finishing up the second to last room, I could see Chan walk by, hearing him talk to Hyunjin. "I'll go down to the next floor already, don't think we'll find much more here. You finish up the last room," he muttered, already making his way further, as his footsteps were descending. I let out a sigh, not wanting to worsen the mood even more by telling him to stay close. I took one more glance around the room before deciding to head back as well, making sure I'd wait for Hyunjin. I turned back, slowly making my way to the exit of the room.

That was until I heard Hyunjin's scream filling the hallway.

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