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"What the..." was the first thing that came out of Changbin's mouth as we started to take in what was in front of us. Not that it was all too weird, we'd seen more things in here that blew our minds. I think what confused him, and the others too, probably, the most, was how awfully happy it seemed to be right in front of us. Two different paths going different ways, both with a wooden sign hanging right above them. The sort of signs you'd see when going to an amusement park, or water park or anything. All decorated, like we were going to have a lot of fun.

And yet, the signs were like polar opposites. Though both seemingly cute, one was portrayed in blue waves, the other one with red and orangy fires. The paths were long, too long to truly see what was beyond them, but it wasn't hard to figure we were going to have to choose. To devide both paths, there were fences around them. Barely visible, yet it wasn't hard to figure once you chose a path, you weren't getting out of it, nor would you switch to the other side.

"I suppose we have to choose again, don't we?" Minho questioned, automatically looking at Chan. "Anyone got a clue as to what we're about to get ourselves into?" Chan asked first, looking around, stopping as he got to Changbin. "I'm guessing that there will be something with either of the element portrayed on the signs. I'd say maybe one route will be extremely hot, the other all humid or something." It seemed logical enough, though just heat and wetness didn't seem like they'd be bad enough to make us go through. There had to be more behind it.

"I'd say we pick water," Changbin continued. "We'll survive easier without warmth than without fresh water. We don't know for how long we're in here, and it never hurts to have a water source nearby." Hyunjin clicked his tongue, instantly earning a glare from Jeongin. "We can't choose that easily. Who knows what's out there. Maybe fire will give us something better out of it." Here we go again, was the first thought that came to mind. "Like you said, we don't know what's coming. For all we know we're going to run away from another blazing fire. I'd say swimming would be a lot better than walking right through a fire," Changbin argued back, annoying Hyunjin even more. "You're so easy about this," he answered back, gritting his teeth.

"Minho, Jisung, what do you think?" Chan asked the two, both glancing at each other. "I'd say we go for water too," Minho answered, siding with Changbin. Of course, Jisung agreed to it as well, which wasn't much of a surprise. He'd be the last one to want to have anything to do with more fire. Chan hummed, glancing over at me, as if waiting for my response. Though I agreed with Changbin, I couldn't dismiss what Hyunjin said. Were we really being too easy in the decision making? "Since most of us picked water, I'd say we choose that one," I decided to join the rest. Even if I chose fire, the majority had already voted for the other.

I think most of them were just trying to get out of here at this point. Maybe that's why things were being rushed through more than normally. The group moral had been getting lower by the hour, and most of the motivation people had in the beginning was now completely gone. "It's set then," Chan made the decision, giving Hyunjin a sympathetic pat on the back. He was the first one to walk onto the path, leading up front, the rest of us following behind closely. As soon as the last one, Changbin, went through, we heard another zap, as if a door had just closed. Now there really was no going back, was there?

Though Jeongin had already found his way next to me, Hyunjin called out his name, swinging his arm right over Jeongin's shoulders, taking him to walk further up ahead, yet again ignoring me like he had done in the beginning. What the Did they make up already or something? "Hey, Y/N," Minho came jogging up, leaving Jisung to walk with Changbin, awfully confused. "Needed a break?" I asked him in a hushed voice, hoping Jisung wouldn't hear it. "Desperately," he answered back just as quickly. "Even if it was just for a day or three, I think I'd already gotten used to not having someone constantly follow me around like a kid."

I cracked a smile, giving him a pat on the shoulder. "Don't you think he'd understand if you just talked to him? I mean, he has to learn to take care of himself some day, right?" Minho shook his head, letting out a heavy sigh. "Not a chance. I tried to once, before all this. He locked himself up in his room for days, not eating a single thing. He said he'd only come out again if I promised not to leave him." I looked at Minho, trying to hide my annoyance. "That sounds incredibly manipulative, doesn't it?" Minho hummed in agreement, and yet brushed it off like it was nothing. From the looks of it, it wasn't the first time something like that happened. "Why do you think I'm so glad to finally be around others together with him?" he chuckled, leaning his head back, looking up at the clear blue sky.

We didn't know what we had coming, nor how long we were still trapped in this game, but please, please let this zone be over quickly.

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