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Second two hours; Hyunjin and Y/N

Why wasn't he waking me up? Hadn't it been about half an hour already? It wasn't like I was actually asleep, but it still felt weird. Did he hate me that much that he'd rather put himself into more danger by staying awake on his own rather than to even be awake with just me at the same time? I let out a sigh, only then realizing I'd probably just blown my own cover. I groaned, rubbing my eyes as I finally allowed myself to sit up straight. Still, not a word was said between us, nothing but a brief glance exchanged between us.

These one and a half hours were going to be very hard, and very long, if this is how they were gonna go. Maybe I understood why he'd rather be up alone. The tension in the air instantly thickened when we looked at each other, that strange look in his eyes bothering me. It started to bother me more and more as time went on. I'd done practically nothing but either safe his life, or be at least civil to him. I'd done absolutely nothing wrong for him to dislike me that much. So why wouldn't he just leave me alone and stop staring at me now? Even I couldn't keep up the act of not noticing he'd been staring at me ever since I 'woke up'.

"You know, I can't figure you out," I started off. "I mean, I know you and Jeongin are close, or at least were, with the fight and all earlier, but why do you hate me so much? Just for talking to him, as well. I mean, I'm assuming that's why you can't stand me, isn't it? Every single time we even have some sort of interaction you glare my way like I'm about to be murdered, and yet you refuse to talk to me. I thought I'd by now earned your trust enough for you to at least be civil around me, given how I saved your life twice, and yet this is what I get. Just what is it that you want from me?!" It shouldn't have felt this good to finally get it off my chest, and yet just saying it out loud made a huge load drop off my shoulders.

Hyunjin stared right into my eyes, standing up from across, slowly walking my way, with a look in his eyes that held a deep, dark feeling. Did I go too far? Did I push my luck? Without getting up, I slowly scooted backwards, my back soon hitting the tree right behind me. My eyes followed his body as he squatted down just inches away, his face just passing mine as he whispered in my ear. "It's not hate, trust me. I wish it was. I'm afraid that if I get any closer I can't stop myself from wanting you too much. I'm going crazy at just seeing you together with anyone else, I think I might just be obsessed with you. I'd do anything for you, just to get closer to you. So trust me, it's not you that's getting the glares anymore." He finally leaned back, holding my stare for a few more seconds before getting back to his sleeping bag. "So that's why I don't talk to you. Not because I hate you, but because I hate how crazy I am about you. So if you don't mind, I'm going to shut my mouth before more stupid shit comes out of it."

My mind was spinning, my heart still pumping like crazy. Out of all of the things I was expecting him to say, from him being jealous of me to him just hating me for no reason, this way not on my list by far. Even if I wanted to respond, nothing came out. What would you even answer to anyone you thought hated you so much, only to find out the real reason was the complete opposite. They always said love and hatred were extremely close, but I never expected them to be so close they practically overlapped each other. I just couldn't wrap my head around it. He couldn't have actually meant it, right? Maybe he was just tired, or he just said it to shut me up. Maybe he was sleepwalking and dreaming, or so tired he was becoming delusional. There had to be an explanation for this, right?

"You really are easy to read, has anyone ever told you that?" Hyunjin chuckled, like he hadn't just dropped the biggest, mind-blowing confession. "So stop making up excuses. I may be an idiot for actually admitting this to you, but I wouldn't lie about something like that. I'm going to man up and be a man of my word, so don't think otherwise in that pretty mind of yours. I am falling deeper and deeper in love with you, there's nothing about those words you can think of otherwise, is there? No matter how many times you ask, in how many different ways, I'll repeat it until you get it imprinted in your brain."

He was serious, wasn't he? He was right, he had no reason to lie about something like this. But still, why? They always said the line between hatred and love was thin, but was it really this easy to switch between the two? He let out a deep sigh, a light chuckle following. "I'm really saying too much already," he concluded to himself. "You go sleep, unless you want to make a confession too, I need to get my head to cool off before I can't stop myself anymore."

And that was the last thing spoken between us that night, leaving me filled with emotions I couldn't explain.

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