32 ☠️

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"There you are!" Chan exclaimed upon finally seeing us. "You said you'd only be gone for a minute, don't you know how worried we were?" Felix laughed sheepishly, making nothing of it. "We just needed a break, that's all. We're unharmed, so no worries," he answered lightheartedly. Chan let out a sigh, glancing over at Seungmin who had stopped to listen. "Tell that to Seungmin. He'd already gone around to try to find you, looking more worried than I'd seen him in a while." My eyes met Seungmin's, making my heart stop beating. That gaze already said it all. The slight hint of discomfort in his eyes as he looked at me; he saw.

Who knew what he thought of it. Did he think Felix and I were actually dating? He probably did if he saw us hugging each other like that. Please, don't tell me he told anyone else. "He said he couldn't find you, just how far did you go?" Chan continued, finally allowing me to breathe. I really owed Seungmin for this. Who knew just how the others would react if they figured it out. Not only would the donations likely drop, but I could already hear Chan yelling at how irresponsible it was. And the worst part was, if we wanted to keep at least some of the donations, or at least the goodwill of the public, we couldn't tell them a single thing about the truth.

"We just went downhill here, maybe he just overlooked us." Felix shrugged, avoiding Seungmin's piercing gaze that was on him. "Anyways, that's not important. We found the stone!" he exclaimed, holding it up to see to change the subject. Smart. Those who were still searching instantly came to a stop, Minho the first one to grab it out of Felix's hands. "But how? Where did you even find it?" he bombarded us with questions, inspecting the stone carefully. "It really is the same one," he muttered after under his breath. "It must have rolled downhill because of the wind," I answered him, only getting a hum back. He was too busy looking at it to really hear the answer.

"Then what are we still doing here? We have to get back, and quick," Changbin said hurriedly, already pulling Seungmin on his back without another word. "Come on, let's go," he lead, being the first to get going already. Not running though, like we did to get here. While Changbin was still agitated and extremely careful, the rest had become a little more relaxed with the storm seeming to lay low. At least here. I had a bad feeling that it wasn't going to be as easy getting back, but at least for now we still seemed safe. Hopefully that would last a little longer.

Though we had already been walking for quite some time at this point, my gaze was still stuck on Seungmin, though he hadn't seemed to notice yet. Or maybe he did, but ignored it on purpose. I mentally groaned, already knowing that pretty much the one person I felt comfortable with was probably now uncomfortable with me. And here I was, thinking I made at least some progress into getting them to trust me. The weird thing was, I completely understood if Seungmin was now weirded out, but if this would have been under normal circumstances it wouldn't have made sense. Maybe it was love at first sight or something. It could have been something like that. But now, it could jeopardize the mission. I could only assume that was why he had seemed to ignore me.

Then again, not that he had really gotten the chance to talk to me, as Changbin was still carrying him like their lives depended on it, but judging from the last time our eyes met he wasn't going to be as eager to talk to me as I was to him. If only I could just explain it, things would be so much easier. Just a moment for the two of us alone, like earlier, but then without any cameras or wires. Was that really too much to ask? At first I thought the two last items were going to be our savior, but I was starting to like them less and less by the second.

It just reminded me though, what were the viewers saying? Anything about me and Felix? Or did they also know Seungmin saw it all happen? Or were they helping us again? If I wanted to keep the facade up, I really needed to be more wary of them. As I was about to check, a hand on my back shook me out of my thoughts, revealing Jeongin with his sympathetic smile brought back to life. Thank goodness. At least something in this fucked up world seemed to be nice to me for once. "You okay Y/N? You've been quiet ever since you and Felix came back," he asked softly, though with the wind having picked up here already nobody would have heard it had he talked normally. Besides Chan behind me I had been following the rest from the back quietly.

"No worries, all good here. Just trying to save my energy," I made up, trying to inspect his expression. Did he know too, or was he just genuinely being nice? I couldn't quite make it out yet, because I still had no clue whether he was just genuinely a go happy or really good at fooling us, but for now it still looked like the first luckily. It felt somewhat bad, doubting him, but in a place like this you could never be wary enough. "How about you? Your head still feeling okay?" I changed the subject, inspecting the wound a little while we were still walking by pushing his hair up, my hand resting on his forehead.

Before Jeongin could finish his stuttering answer, Chan put a hand on each of our shoulder, a stern gaze looking inbetween us to the front. "I think we have something else to worry about right now," he answered seriously, as he showed us the tornado right in front of us.

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