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Left: Hyunjin & Jeongin

So many words were just waiting to be spoken, but nothing came out from either of the two. Contrary to what Y/N may have thought, Hyunjin remembered everything. Every single action he had done, every word that was spoken, the kiss he shared, the way Y/N had practically saved him from his years of tornment, even if it meant wasting all of the bullets, but most importantly the disgusted look on his best friend's face when he learned the secret Hyunjin had been so happy about that Jeongin thought was false. He had hoped Jeongin would have simply stayed so naive, he had been so happy someone believed in him, trusted him, and looked out for him, and now even that person was disgusted by him.

All of the events were replaying in his head, over and over, like a slow motion movie. As if what happened hadn't happened from his own body, but like he was watching a scene unfold. A scene of betrayal, a scene that brought up emotions, such as hatred, fear, and yet a spark. An undeniable feeling of interest, of safety, of desire, craving to feel those warm, soft lips on his own again. Wanting to be held again, to be saved, to not have to worry about everything, but for once simply be taken care of. He had always felt responsible for taking care of Jeongin after he saved him from loneliness, but this newly found feeling had been hogging his mind ever since. Hence why his mind was a mess, his attention torn between what to do about the situation with his now probably former best friend, and the girl he was unable to get out of his head, no matter how much he hated it himself.

Jeongin however for the first time felt strong, victorious even. He had reached a huge step, being able to actually stand by someone, rather than always feel like the helpless child that needed to be taken care of. He had truly cared for Hyunjin, and was very happy with the way he was always being helped out, it made life easier, but it made him grow anxious, left with a feeling of uneasiness after a while. When he wanted to volunteer, try new things himself, learn to fend for himself, how to grow stronger on his own. With Hyunjin he always felt so small, but now that he was able to protect someone else, or at least the feeling of doing so, he felt almost invincible. Like he didn't want to leave her side, save her from all evil. And that included Hyunjin.

He honestly didn't know how he could have been so stupid to believe Hyunjin was innocent. He wasn't a misunderstood guy like Jeongin was convinced of for so long. He was a murderer. A cold blooded, raging murderer, who would harm anyone that was getting in his way. Jeongin had seen enough to know not to be close to him anymore. In fact, he wanted to do nothing more than stay as far away from Hyunjin as possible, and if there was anyone else he would take with him, it would be Y/N. It wasn't hard to spot Hyunjin constantly eyeing Y/N in the safe zone, and his laugh as Y/N's stomach rumbled only made it clear that he had his entire attention focused on her, but he wasn't going to let Hyunjin get close to her. He already almost killed her if she hadn't convinced him otherwise, he surely wasn't going to let her get hurt again, no matter the cost.

And yet, despite all odds, here they were. Put together like two children who had been in a petty fight, paired up so they could shake hands and be friends again. But they knew better. Every single word that would be spoken now would cause all hell to burst loose. Jeongin would curse Hyunjin out with every swearword he could find in his vocabulary, tell him he wishes he never met him, explain in so much detail how much he hates Hyunjin for deceiving him, and most importantly threaten him to never, ever lay as much as a finger on Y/N ever again, and the things he would do to Hyunjin if he did. Whereas Hyunjin, who wasn't necessarily as angry as Jeongin, and would even try to make up, knew for one thing certain that he would not let Jeongin take Y/N away from him, even if it cost them the last remainders of their friendship if that's what it came to. Because both boys didn't have a hard time spotting the other had gained an interest for what they seemed to be wanting most right now.

And that is why the entire way, not a single word was spoken. Not even through the walky talky, as just the sound of one of their voices could start a war. Some sorts of berries and citrus fruits were quietly plucked by Jeongin, putting them in his bag rather that instantly testing them, whereas Hyunjin had used his knife to stab two frogs to cook. Not exactly a tasty meal, and Jeongin wanted nothing more than to call Hyunjin out for how he killed yet two more lives, but the two remained as calm as they could possibly be, even though the tension was still very high. It wasn't until they heard Chan through the walky talky about a fresh water source that they finally turned around, not even a glance exchanged however. Why would they bother trying to make up, when there was one specific point they could never agree on anyways?

And so, all the time they spent in silence went to figuring out how they could keep Y/N away from the other.

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