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"Is everyone okay?!" I heard Chan yell while the water slowly going away through what seemed like vents on the side of the road. I was still holding onto Chan, long enough for me to steady myself until I was able to stand again. My legs felt wobly, but aside from the scare and feeling lightheaded, I was thankfully okay. "We're good," Minho answered, referring to himself and Jisung. Though Jisung seemed to truly be crying still, he was still alive. "I'm fine," Hyunjin followed up, still laying down flat on his back, trying to control his breathing.

"Guys!" Changbin suddenly shouted, my eyes following the sound of his voice to him and Jeongin, with Jeongin laying flat on his back, his chest neither rising nor falling. "Jeongin!" I shouted, running up to him, stumbling along the way, yet getting up again just as quickly. Changbin had put his head against Jeongin's chest, cursing loudly. He pinched Jeongin's nose, slightly lifting his chin as he gave him two breaths, making sure Jeongin's chest was rising as he did so. Right after he started to firmly put his hands together, pressing on Jeongin's chest, right on his heart. 1...2...3...4...5... on to 30, then repeating the process all over again.

"Come on," Changbin muttered under his breath while he was once again giving chest compressions. "Come on Jeongin, just breathe!" As if on cue, water came out of Jeongin's mouth, followed by heavy coughing. Changbin smiled, as even he couldn't contain his tears, hugging Jeongin tightly. "Thank goodness you're okay," he let out between his sobs, while Jeongin was hesitantly wrapping his arms around Changbin as well, probably only just realising what had happened as he started to cry as well.

Chan had put his hand on my back, rubbing it in a comforting manner, only then making me realise the tears had been streaming down my face as well. "He's okay, don't worry," Chan whispered softly while I wiped my tears away quietly, watching the two boys. "Thank you," Jeongin said over and over again, inbetween his sobs. I finally looked back at the rest, watching Minho still comfort Jisung, while Hyunjin was now finally sitting up, staring as well.

Hadn't they made up? I knew their fight from earlier had definitely impacted the two, but if this had happened before, Hyunjin would have already pushed Changbin away, not letting Jeongin go even for an instant. If they hadn't made up yet, why was Hyunjin still trying to separate us? He couldn't still possibly hate me that much, could he? Hate me so much that even after a fight between them, he'd still not let me near Jeongin.

I mentally shook the thoughts away, watching the Changbin and Jeongin get up again. Changbin had already taken Jeongin on his back, looking over at Chan. "Let's get out of here quickly," Changbin suggested, which was hard to disagree with. While walking back towards the end of the path, which was now way closer than it had been before, I stopped and Minho and Jisung, offering Jisung a hand. "Are you okay?" I asked, pushing all of my bad impressions aside. He was clearly in pain.

Minho put a hand on my shoulder, leaning in to whisper in my ear. "I think some of his burns are hurting because of the water. Don't worry too much, other than that he's probably just shaken up." Before I could focus on helping Jisung up, my hand was hit away as he got up himself. "I don't need your help," was all he let out, grabbing Minho's hand to pull him away, the two of them now walking up front. I scoffed, but let it rest. Suit yourself then, was what I wanted to say, but it wouldn't have done any good for either of us.

"How about you Y/N? Are you okay?" Changbin asked, quickly looking me up and down. "I'm okay, thanks to Chan," I told him, trying to reassure him. He was clearly still in emergency mode after what had just happened, even though he himself must have been struggling with it as well. "You go up ahead, I'll stay in the middle," I told him, hoping to get some peace of mind for myself as well. Chan and Hyunjin were behind us, and we couldn't let Minho and Jisung get too far ahead, given Jisung's current state. Changbin hummed, finally giving me a small smile before getting up front together with Jeongin.

The end was already in sight, the same type of door that led us into this zone now soon leading us out of this as well. Though it had been terrifying, this zone felt way shorter than the others for some reason. Was this truly all there was to it? Still, after watching Jeongin almost die, I convinced myself that this was it. The damage was already done, whether it was physically or psychologically, I could only wonder just how many zones were left. We'd already had 5, and spent about 3 weeks in here already at this point. They couldn't possibly keep us here for much longer, could they?

They could though, because as soon as we had all gone through the door, two more choices were right in front of us; earth, or air.

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