39 ☠️

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"Hyunjin, calm down for a second," Chan ordered him, already getting his backpack. "Shouldn't we at least take a look at what we have so far?" For the first time in quite the while, Jisung spoke up. "And what about Y/N? I haven't heard a no from her, wouldn't that be the easiest option?" My body stiffened. Thinking about it is one thing, but hearing someone suggest to basically whore you out is something else completely. Even if he had a point, did he have no human decency?

"Are you out of your mind?" Hyunjin shouted at him. Not only Hyunjin's grip on my hand tightened, but Changbin, who was standing behind me, now held onto my waist. He closened in, whispering in my ear; "if things go south here, I'll get us out. Don't worry okay?" Hyunjin continued, absolutely fuming. "I knew something was off about you from the start, but you're a complete lunatic!" While Jisung grew quiet, Minho took over his turn. "Hey, watch your language you! That's my brother you're talking about. I suggest you wash that mouth of yours."

Hyunjin scoffed. "As if I'm in the wrong? That brother of yours is suggesting to prostitute one of our own for a map. Now I don't know what world you lived in, but if it's so normal there why don't you stay behind?" I let out a groan, finally having regained my posture. "Can you please shut the fuck up? Even if I was planning on saying yes, what makes you think you can choose for me? Do I really have no say in this? Over my own fucking body? Because trust me, we all know what would happen if I stay. I thought I worked hard enough to become a teammember at least, so if you're still treating me like a puppet, good luck out here, I'll get to the finish on my own!"

I pulled my hands away from Hyunjin, trying to get out of Changbins grip, which he had instantly tightened in tenfold. "Changbin, let me go," I muttered, but with no avail. "I said let me go!" I raised my voice, now kicking, trying to give him an elbow, but nothing seemed to work. If only I hadn't gotten trapped in that stupid tornado. Maybe then I'd still be at my normal strength. Though even then, remembering how Changbin completely kicked in the door in the first stage, it would be difficult to get out of his grip.

"Listen, I don't know about you guys, but if you even try to, I'm taking her with me to go off on our own. So whatever you're planning, letting her stay is not an option. Are we clear?" It all grew quiet, aside from an "aw"ing sound from the guy behind the table. "I'm not saying I disagree with you," Chan finally entered the conversation with, "but who made you into a leader to make that decision?" Oh come on, are you kidding me? Could we just get this over with? What was a compass, some water bottles, masks and a gun if we weren't making it out of this place anyways.

"Now before you start this again, can't we just trade in those things? We can keep one of them anyways," I came inbetween them. "Let's just get this over with." Chan sighed, the two looking at each other like we were in the cold war. In the desert. "Actually, let's go with Hyunjin's plan," Chan concluded, still glaring at Changbin. "We'll figure it out ourselves." We're they really going to be this pety? What happened to thinking logically? I guess that was thrown out of the window.

"Come on, let's go in the directions we haven't gone to yet," Chan instructed, already walking past the table. "Hyunjin and Jisung, you go north-east," he instructed, pointing in the direction as he checked the compass, " Changbin and Minho, you take Seungmin with you, take turns carrying him. You're going south-east. Felix and Jeongin, you go south-west. I'm taking Y/N with me north-west. Are we clear?" The silence spoke for itself. Everyone was seemingly annoyed, but apparently they had all learned to not go against an angry Chan. "I said are we fucking clear?"

The line was slowly deforming, the groups forming. "And careful on your way back out of this mess, I don't want anything to do with this tornado stuff again." He sighed in annoyance, literally throwing me over his shoulder like it was nothing. "Come on, we're leaving." I quickly looked back at the others, making eye contact with Hyunjin just before we left to go our own ways.

"Thanks," I muttered to him, turning back to face the direction we were going in. I had no clue what had gotten into Hyunjin just now, or why he was suddenly so against it, but if it weren't for him I might have really had to stay behind. Maybe it was his way of paying me back. Either way, I was thankful I didn't have to stay there. The only reason I signed up for this was so I didn't have to go through it all again. And still, it didn't sit right with me.

Was it really a good idea I joined this stupid game?

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