45 ☠️

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"Please tell me you guys found something," Seungmin groaned, his seemingly bad mood back. He must have been tired again, seeing how that looked like the most prominent cause for his grumpy moods. Everyone had already seemed to have found each other just a dozen meters behind the actor, all looking hopefully towards Chan and I who had arrived the last. After the outburst we hadn't said a single word to each other, not even to signal to go back. He just finally stopped, way after I originally wanted to, and turned around. I guess even he was beginning to lose hope in it.

"I wish, but no," I groaned, allowing myself to fall down, laying flat on my back. Everything hurt, but I had been too stubborn to ask Chan for help. I didn't know what exactly it was that I felt, but it certainly wasn't a good feeling. Was it hatred? Or regret? Uneasiness? I didn't even know anymore myself. All I knew was that at least for now, I wanted nothing to do with him. I had put the blame on him for so many years after all. After hearing Chan say the thing about purposely putting others in danger to save them, my mind even went crazy. What if because of him the building collapsed? What if because of him my escape failed? All sorts of scenarios were running through my mind, each one worse than the one before.

"You guys?" I added, not even looking at anyone, my eyes automatically closing. I was completely done for. Another sudden attack and I'd be out. All of my limbs were as heavy as sand sacks, just feeling like dead weight rather than actual functioning bodyparts. "Nothing here either," Felix answered, the hope in his voice being long gone. It stayed quiet like that for a while, all probably either thinking of what to do or say, or like me just too tired to do anything else. It must have been about 3 in the morning by now. My sleep schedule was normally messed up, but after the fall everything was suddenly a lot more tiring.

"Should we just sleep it over, get back to it when we wake up? I don't think any of us are currently up for discussion of further plans," Changbin suggested, instantly earning my agreement. Nothing to think over there, I wanted sleep and I wanted it now. Things honestly couldn't feel quite worse right now, so sleeping was probably the best way to escape from it all. I honestly wondered if it did any good, about Chan knowing the reason, or if it only did more damage. I was afraid of the latter, but only one way to find out. Hopefully after a good night of sleep.

"I think Jisung already followed that," Minho chuckled, watching his younger brother sound asleep on his lap. He let out a yawn, showing he agreed without even wanting to. "It's already late anyways. As long as someone keeps watch we should be fine, right?" Jeongin followed up, already getting himself comfortable. Even if Chan wanted to protest, getting everyone to agree with him after finding nothing the way he suggested would be a tough one. At this point I didn't even really care anymore anyways. I turned around a little, trying to get comfortable myself too.

"Waking up everyone every hour is pretty tough since we don't have a watch or anything, so how about I keep watch together with one or two others?" Minho suggested. "I'm still quite okay, so it won't bother me." Maybe it was selfish, but if even anyone else volunteered, I wouldn't feel too bad for not answering. Thankfully, quite to my surprise, both Hyunjin and Felix agreed to it, allowing me to live with one worry less. It wasn't hard to get comfortable soon, even though the ground wasn't exactly a great place to sleep on. My body was completely exhausted after all that had happened, and suddenly any place I could sleep on felt like heaven.

"Come on, you'll catch a cold like that, you two," Changbin's voice rang through my ears, just before a blanket was draped over my body. It didn't take long for my to wrap myself up in it, allowing it to warm up my body. Even though I felt too tired to even think, my mind wouldn't allow it. It had been filled with memories from the incident, Chan's face back when he was a little boy imprinted in my mind. Knowing it now, the resemblence is definitely there, but had he not told me I probably never would have found out. Maybe that would have been for the best, because this wasn't going to leave my mind anytime soon...


"Y/N!" I heard my father yell, a tone I didn't quite recognize. Had I not known better it would have probably been worry, judging from the sound. "I'm very sorry sir, but I have to ask you to keep your voice down. She's currently resting out, as she had suffered crush injuries. Three of her ribs have been fractured, together with severe internal bleeding and bruises. She's extremely lucky that boy was there when it happened. I could hear the door to the ambulance open, my eyes feeling too heavy to open. Judging from the way we hadn't seem to be driving yet, we must have still been at the scene of the accident.

"I was just in the neighborhood looking for her, I fear she ran away from home. She took her backpack with her as well," he told the nurse, making me shiver. He already knew I ran away? That was one thing, but how did he even find me so fast? He shouldn't have, at least. I purposely went the way you wouldn't go to if looking for me, so how? Before I knew it, tears started streaming down my face. I never stood a chance to begin with. A soft hand started wiping them away, the boy that had gotten me out smiling at me with the sweetest smile. A smile too sweet for someone I had already grown to hate.

"Don't worry, you're going to make it out alive. I promise."

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