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What we were to expect, I had no clue. All I knew was that right now, Hyunjin and I were in the very last zone. Our very last challenge before I would have the most difficult choice to make soon. What would happen, if I got out of this wretched place. Would my dad be waiting for me at the doorstep of this very building? To bring me right back to my misery, likely even making my life an even worse hell than it already was? Though this place, and whoever was behind this truly did terrify me, maybe the thought of having to return home was what terrified me the most.

"I'm sure you two are wondering what this last zone will be, but fret not; I won't make you fight each other." I could see Hyunjin relax more, though he was still tense from all happening in front of us. "That would be both cruel and a violation of the game, would it not? I have to give everyone a fair chance to make it all out alive. Not that it mattered now, since most of your group isn't here anyways, but hey, gotta keep it fair, am I right?" I let out a scoff, trying my best to hide my eyes rolling at him. If anyone here doesn't have a say about what is fair, it's him.

"So, what do you fight, you ask?" he continued, either not noticing our disgust, or simply choosing to ignore it, "you'll fight my newest invention! Ever heard of killer robots?" The idea of it seems simple, right? Some machine with grenades or whatever, who knew. Still, it seemed too easy for a finale. I finally looked back up at sir, for once curious to know what he had in store for us. Still, as soon as gates opened from all sides, I couldn't be more petrified. "Don't worry, they're not real humans, sir answered as I stared into what I thought were my fathers eyes. "I simply made them like those closest to you, whether that was a good or a bad thing." I could hear him laugh to himself, as if he had just remembered some inside joke he had with himself. "It's a shame I couldn't use the one I made of Felix's mother. I have to say I was rather proud of myself for that one."

He scraped his throat, regaining his posture to seem more serious again. "Still, with some last minute work done, I have been able to give the two of you a true surprise at the end, so I wish you two good luck! May you be victorious until the very end." My back fell against Hyunjin's as I set a step back, looking around in horror. They weren't real. They weren't actually there. That wasn't my dad. Those weren't Jeong-ho and Jeong-hui. And most of all, that wasn't my mom walking up to me. I could feel my breathing speed up, my hands becoming clammy as I stared at them, getting closer and closer. I couldn't do this. Monsters were fine. Actors were fine. But not this. Not those who terrified me the most.

"Hyunjin," I barely got out, my hands searching for his behind me. Hyunjin's hands met mine as he squeezed them, even though his were shaking too. My head turned back, watching the three coming up to Hyunjin. Those must be the people he saw back when he was hallucinating. I paused for a second, not looking back in front of me. This doesn't have to be difficult. All we had to do was fight each other's enemies. Whoever those bastards are, I don't care about them. "Hyunjin, switch sides with me, just trust me," I told him, already switching our positions so he would face my family rather than those he knew.

Before saying a word, I sprinted up to the only girl amongst them, swinging to hit her. Not that it mattered though. She ran right past me, charging for Hyunjin. "Shit, Hyunjin, careful!" I yelled, turning back to him. My eyes widened slightly. These robots were programmed to only attack those they knew, weren't they? No matter how he seemed to try, his hands already bleeding from the amount of punches he had given it, my father's robot gave him no attention at all.

Hyunjin only just managed to dodge, making Da-hye hit my father instead, who actually stumbled back. Though there was an awful glare and a shove towards her from my father's robot, he didn't pay her any further attention. And yet, rather than going to Hyunjin, who now made his way back to me, Da-hye currently smacked his had with the palm of her hand. "How dare you push me you imbecile," she shouted. Even though her voice was quite well made, you could still distinguish it from an actual human voice.

Before my father could react, she huffed and turned back to Hyunjin, with an awful grin on her face. How could he have possibly liked her when she was so obviously a wench? "Don't you think they made these a bit too well?" Hyunjin muttered. "It's like they programmed their entire personalities in there too."

Somewhere, in a dark corner of my brain, something lit up. Maybe they weren't actually my family, or Hyunjin's classmates, but if they programmed their personalities in there, doesn't that mean their weaknesses are programmed in there too? My eyes were locked on my father's, a cold shiver sent down my spine. If there was any time I had to learn to stand up for myself and get over my fear, it was now or never.

My eyes shifted to the twins, each of them eyeing me up and down. "Hey, you idiots! First one to get to me can have me for the rest of their lives!" I yelled out to them, watching them spare each other one glance before storming right this way. Twins never lose to each other, was the saying right? That also meant that only one of them would stand before they even got to me. I just had to hope so, because watching them coming right up, my feet were nailed to the ground in fear.

Please, let this end well.

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